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eyes, complicated in structure, being made up of many layers of electric<br />

plates and capable <strong>Fishes</strong> of giving a shock of painful intensity.<br />

Doctor fishes are tiny fishes about 3 to 6 inches in size, brilliantly<br />

coloured in blue and black with horizontal strips and are found on the<br />

coast of Maharashtra in the littoral areas. Of the several varieties, the little<br />

cleaner — Fissilabrus dimidiatus is the most curious of sea dwellers,<br />

cleaning the teeth and infected tissues of other fishes and removing their<br />

parasites. It does all this in order to have its meal from other fishes. They<br />

doctor such fishes as squirrel fishes, groupers, vicious moray-eels and<br />

even poisonous scorpion fish. At one cleaning station, or as we may say a<br />

clinical centre, an ichthyologist observed that as many as 300 fishes were<br />

attended to, in a period of about six hours — pretty good going.<br />

(40) RABBIT FISHES<br />

The rabbit fishes, known as ' Thavus' in Bombay, are represented in<br />

Maharashtra waters by 5 species of the genus Siganus belonging to the<br />

family Siganidae. The fish are of moderate size and inhabit rocks and<br />

reefs. Some of them are intricately designed, so much so that one of the<br />

species, Siganus vermiculatus is popularly known as the jigsaw- puzzle<br />

fish. The dorsal, pelvic anal spines are very sharp and are said to be<br />

associated with venom glands and these need to be handled with care.<br />

(41) LITTLE COD<br />

Little cod, Brigmaceros atripinnis, known as ' Tenali' or ' Khada' in<br />

Marathi, is the only representative in India of the well-known cod family<br />

Gadidae, now placed under Brigmacerotidae. It is a slender fish hardly<br />

growing to about 3 inches or 7 cm. in length. Its tiny size is compensated<br />

by very large numbers in which it is caught in ' dol' nets in the coastal sea<br />

off Kolaba and Greater Bombay districts. Annual catch of this fish<br />

averages 3,000 tonnes. Being small and slender, it can be easily dried in<br />

sun and sent to the hinterland for sale in non- fishing season (monsoon).<br />

Being comparatively cheap, it is favoured by people of slender means.<br />


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