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forests. It is widely distributed along the Western Ghats and in Eastern<br />

India.<br />

The genus Herennia has the carapace flat; eyes not extending across<br />

the frontal area; quadrangle scarcely longer than wide; eyes of posterior<br />

line nearly straight. Abdomen coriaceous, flattish above, with sharply<br />

defined, often lobate lateral margins, impressed with radially arranged<br />

lines of spots. Male with simple palpus. A single species Herennia<br />

ornatissima occurs in the State. It is widely distributed in India, Ceylon<br />

and Burma.<br />

The genus Araneus has the cephalothorax convex; eyes of posterior<br />

line slightly or strongly recurved; lateral eyes separated or in contact. Legs<br />

strong; protarsi shorter than tibiae and patellae. Two widely distributed<br />

species in the State.<br />

In the genus Cyclose, the eyes are subequal, the posterior median<br />

almost in contact, the median ocular area wider in front than behind; both<br />

rows of eyes, the head and thorax separated by a deep cervical groove. Of<br />

the four species in the State, one Cyclosa moonduensis is described from<br />

Poona.<br />

Spiders of the genus Ordgariu, have the carapace convex, armed<br />

above with a few symmetrically placed tooth-like tubercles. Abdomen<br />

very large, wider than long, widely rounded laterally, tuberculate above. A<br />

single species O hobsoni in Maharashtra.<br />

The genus Chorizopes has the cephalothorax longer than wide,<br />

cephalic region high. Clypeus short and curved forward, chelicerae robust.<br />

Abdomen mainly provided with tubercles posteriorly. Two species in the<br />

State, both described on the basis of specimens collected near Poona.<br />

The Cladomelea spiders have the abdomen tuberculate, and clothed<br />

with fine hairs. Cephalothorax slightly longer than wide, narrowing in<br />

front; middle of the thorax provided with conspicuous spine like tubercles.<br />

A single species Cladomelea mundhya known from the State.<br />


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