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Peal H. W. (1903) J. Asi. Soc. Bengal 72:61<br />

contribution............................... Aleurodidae,<br />

Singh K. (1931) Mem. Dept. Agr, India 12:l-98 contribution..<br />

……….....Aleurodidae.<br />

Vf 3481—-14<br />

Fam, Aphidiidae (Plant lice—Green flies) ( व ) Very small,<br />

insects 1-2 mm., yellowish green or Hack, roundish. Generally a pair of<br />

tubes at the sides of the anal end. Winged or wingless. Head prominent,<br />

antennae long, beak underneath. Wings when present hyaline, front pair<br />

long with few veins. Always found in colonies including both winged and<br />

wingless. Breeding and multiplication peculiar. Generally parthogenic and<br />

viviparous. New borns generally female, reproduce in 3-4 days, multiply<br />

rapidly. Produce wings at will to establish new colonies. Winged forms,<br />

both male and female, mate and produce eggs. Found almost on every<br />

type of plant, sucking juice from leaves and tender parts, contorting or<br />

crumbling them, arresting growth. A few form galls. Exude a waxy fluid<br />

from anal tubes for protection; honey dew from anus which attracts ants<br />

and produces sooty mould. Number of described species not available.<br />

Literature on aphids vast; only some important points mentioned here.<br />

Das B, (1918) Mem. Ind. Mus. 6:132 Aphididae of Lahore.<br />

David S. K. (1955 & 1958) J. Bomb. nat. Hist. Soc. 53:479 and<br />

55:110.<br />

Additions to aphids of India.<br />

Deshpande V. G. (1937) Ibid 39:470 Preliminary account of Aphids<br />

in Poona.<br />

George C. (1927) J. Asi. Soc. Bengal (n.s.) 23:1 Some Indian<br />

Aphididae.<br />


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