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loud sound bv rapid vibrations of wings. Described species about 900,<br />

about 150 in the Indian region, a few found in Maharashtra.<br />

G. africana (Mole cricket). Plate 1, Fig. 9. Light brown, powerful<br />

digging forelegs, head and thorax hard, antennae short, hind wing<br />

extending beyond short tegmina and into thin processes. Cerci<br />

promi¬nent, Body soft. L. 30-40 mm. Breeds in burrows under trees. Feed<br />

on young plants and roots. Mother takes care of the eggs and young.<br />

Attracted to light. B, portentosus (Brown cricket). Blackish brown, short<br />

tegmina. Nymphs burrow deep in soil, throwing earth above ground, live<br />

there. Life cycle 8-12 months. Feed on young seedlings and low shoots of<br />

vegetation at night, hide by day. Extremely noisy. L. 50-55 mm.<br />

Destructive to Casuarina plantations. Used as food by some tribes in N.<br />

India (Beeson 1941). G. humeralis. Smallish grey cricket, attacking<br />

Casuarina, Eucalyptus, Sissoo etc. L. bimaculatus. Greyish black, hiding<br />

under stones, logs etc. Adult about 20-30 mm. Two yellowish spots below<br />

thorax, tarsi spiny. Feeds on decaying vegitauon, insects. Cuts leguminous<br />

crops at ground level.<br />

G. domesticus (Black headed cricket). Greyish, head black, long<br />

Insects antennae. Breeds in dry, barren soil. Hide by day, feed in clusters at<br />

night. Do not fly though winged, L. 25-30 mm. Omnivorous Gryllodes<br />

spp. Common house crickets. Blackish, feed on greasy and tatty matter or<br />

paper, cloth, leather etc. Also attacks nursery- seedling. L 20 mm. O.<br />

indicus. Delicate, greenish white, flat, wings almost transparent, antennae<br />

thin, long hind legs spiny. Often found on tobacco but not doing harm.<br />

Probably predaceous on some other small insects. Also noted on paddy<br />

and other dense vegetation.<br />

See Fletcher T.B. (1920.) Rep. Pro. Ento Meet. Pusa. Annotated list<br />

of Crop pests.<br />

Uvarov B. P. (1928) Locusts and grass hoppers. Imp. Bur Ent, Lond.<br />


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