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The osprey (Pandion haliaetus) is a fish-eating species and the only<br />

member of its genus which is a winter migrant to Maharashtra.<br />

Family Falconidae: Eight species of falcons are known to occur in<br />

Maharashtra State. These include the lanner falcon (Falco biarmicus), the<br />

shahin (Falco peregrinus peregrinator), the peregrine (Fclco peregrinus<br />

japonensis), the redheaded merlin (Falco chicquera), the redlegged falcon<br />

(Falco vespertinus), the kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), and the lesser kestrel<br />

(Falco naumanni). All these are winter visitors.<br />

(7) Order Galliformes.—Two families of this order, Family<br />

Phasianidae, are found all over the world, characterised by their compact<br />

plump form and terrestrial habits. They have short rounded wings,<br />

featherless sturdy tarsi adapted for scratching the soil for grains, seeds,<br />

roots and insects. Many of these species are polygamous and the male<br />

usually has highly developed secondary sexual characters such as gaudy<br />

combs and crests. The hen is soberly coloured and is very productive of<br />

eggs. The eggs are laid on the ground without any nest and the young are<br />

able to run about almost immediately after hatching. Many of these forms<br />

lend themselves to domestication and they are good as food.<br />

Family Phasianidae—Pheasants, Junglefowl, Partridges. Quails: 13<br />

species occur in the State and except the Common Quail (Coturnix<br />

coturnix) all are resident.<br />

The painted partridge (Francolinus pictus) and the grey partridge<br />

(Francolinus pondicerianus), both good sporting birds, are common in<br />

Maharashtra. The former is found near well watered areas while the latter<br />

prefers dry open ground and thorny scrub country. Their calls can be heard<br />

from a long distance and are a delight of the countryside.<br />

Quails are much smaller birds than partridges. They are brown and<br />

grey closely barred and vermiculated. They inhabit grasslands, standing<br />

crops and scrub jungle throughout the State. The painted bush quail<br />

(Perdicula erythrorhyncha) is found only in Peninsular India and is rather<br />

rare.<br />


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