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The Redrumped or Striated Swallow (Hirundo daurica) is a resident<br />

species and, though common in most areas of the State, seem to prefer<br />

hilly districts.<br />

The House Martin (Delichon urbica) is a rare winter visitor. The tarsus<br />

and toes are feathered. The upper parts are black glossed with deep blue,<br />

while the rump and lower parts are white.<br />

Family Oriolidae: Orioles are brightly coloured myna size birds and<br />

of the four species occurring in India three are found in Maharashtra. They<br />

are arboreal birds found in gardens and forests and in most species the<br />

females are considerably duller in colour than the males. Young birds are<br />

heavily streaked below. They make a hammock type nest of vegetable<br />

fibres, rags etc. and both sexes participate in domestic duties. They feed on<br />

insects and berries.<br />

The Golden Oriole (Oriolus oriolus) is a handsome gold-coloured bird<br />

with black wings and a red bill. It has a pleasant mellow whistlingcall.<br />

The Blacknaped Oriole (Oriolus chinensis) is larger than the previous<br />

species and has been recorded from Ratnagiri and Savantwadi.<br />

The Black-headed Oriole (Oriolus xanihornus) has a jet black head,<br />

throat and upper breast, and is found in more wooded areas than the<br />

Golden Oriole.<br />

Family Lanidae: There are 70 species of birds belonging to this<br />

family in the world; nine are found in India and out of these five occur in<br />

Maharashtra. All of them belonging to one genus. Shrikes are carnivorous<br />

and their staple food consists of insects. They have powerful hooked beaks<br />

and strong claws.<br />

The Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) is the largest of the family found<br />

in India and frequents dry open country.<br />


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