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colour phases, a dark type in humid country and a pale form in dry areas.<br />

Usually roosts solitarily or in small colonies.<br />

The family Molossidae has a single genus and species in the<br />

State.Tadarida aegyptiaca,the Wrinkle-lipped Bat, easily distinguished by<br />

the thick ears joined together, the wrinkled upper jaw, the narrow wings<br />

and the fleshy tail projecting out of the membrane for half its length.<br />

Roosts during the day in narrow deep crevices on cliffs and large<br />

buildings. An uncommon species recorded from the drier parts of the<br />

State.<br />

The family Vespertilionidae is represented by six genera of small<br />

bats.Myotis peshwa,originally described from Poona, is rare and has been<br />

so far recorded only from Poona, Thana and Elephanta island. Nothing is<br />

known of its habits. Four species ofPipistrellusoccur,P. ceylonicus, P.<br />

mimus, P. coromandraandP. dormeri.The species of this genus are small<br />

sized bats,P. mimusbeing one of the smallest of Indian bats. A common<br />

genus, the colour being usually dark grey, butceylonicusshows extreme<br />

variation, brown rufous and dark grey individuals occurring in the same<br />

colony.P. dormeris much lighter than other species being whitish below<br />

and grey above with almost transparent wings.<br />

Tickell’s BatHesperoptenus tickelliis known in the State from Bombay<br />

and Poona. A medium sized bat, in colour pale yellowish grey with grey<br />

head and a distinctive tuft of white hair at the base of the ears. Little is<br />

known of its habits. The yellow Bat,Scotophilus heathi,easily<br />

distinguished by its canary-yellow under parts, is very common and is the<br />

bat most often seen round towns and villages hawking at sunset. Roosts<br />

during the day in crevices and holes, on the ceiling, under a roof or in<br />

woodwork. The closely allied speciesScotophilus temminckiis<br />

uncommon.Miniopterus schreibersi,a widely distributed species in the<br />

Palaeartic region has the unique habit of roosting in enormous colonies.<br />

The only known colony of this species in Western India located at<br />

Robber’s cave, Mahableshwar, has over 1,00,000 individuals and is<br />

probably of considerable significance in controlling the insect population<br />

of the area. The Painted BatKervoula pictawith its bright reddish fur and<br />


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