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python by the presence of small scales instead of shields onthe head. The<br />

two species Russel's Sand BoaEryx conicusand John'sSand BoaEryx<br />

johnithat occur in India are found in the State. Russel'sSand Boa is<br />

yellowish, brownish or greyish above with a dorsal seriesof brown blackedged<br />

spots. John's Sand Boa is usually uniform grey,yellowish or dark<br />

brown above but occasionally has dark transversebands. Both are sluggish,<br />

largely sub-terrestrial snakes which subsistmainly on small mammals.<br />

The Family Colubridae has the largest number of genera and<br />

species.A cosmopolitan family, its members are terrestrial, arboreal, and<br />

aquatic.30 species of 20 genera occur in Maharashtra. The Wart<br />

SnakeAcro-chordus granulatusdiffers from all other colubrids in the<br />

absence ofventral shields. Dark grey or blackish in colour with whitish<br />

crossbarswhich become indistinct with age. A thoroughly aquatic species<br />

preferring estuaries, it feeds exclusively on fish. Viviparous.<br />

The Trinket SnakeElaphe helenarepresents a genus widely<br />

distributedin Asia and N. America. A distinctively marked snake with the<br />

forepart of the body beautifully ornamented with 3 or more white islets ina<br />

pattern, enclosed by black cross-bands ; the ‘trinkets' may extend tothe<br />

tail. Posteriorly the crossbars are replaced by two black bars onthe flanks.<br />

Usually found in or near jungles at altitudes between 1,500to 6,000 ft. The<br />

Rat Snake or DhamanPtyas mucosusis widelydistributed throughout India.<br />

Diurnal and often seen in uninhabitedareas. Varies in colour, being olivegreen,<br />

brown, yellow or greyishabove. Excitable, it is among Indian<br />

snakes unique in producingoccasionally a mewing noise when cornered<br />

and at bay. Rat snakeshave been recorded upto 3-6 metres in length. Feeds<br />

largely on rodents,and is not poisonous, contrary to popular belief-<br />

Three species of Racer snakes occur.Argyrogena<br />

fasciolaius,theBanded Racer so called from the young being ornamented<br />

with black crossbars on an olive brown back ground. The crossbars<br />

becomeobscure with age. A peninsular form it is more common in the<br />

Konkanthan elsewhere in its range and from its habit of erecting the<br />

forebody and flattening its neck like the cobra is often mistaken for one. It<br />

is, in fact, considered the female of the cobra in the Konkan. Grows to<br />


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