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it is an expert diver and disappears in the water for long periods it is<br />

locally named ‘dubki’.<br />

(2)OrderProcellariiformes.—Thisorderincludes oceanic birds like<br />

Shearwaters, Petrels and Storm Petrels. All these are distinguished by their<br />

tubular nostrils and the three fully webbed front toes. They have long<br />

pointed wings, and are powerful fliers. Their colours are either black, grey<br />

or white. They feed mainly on fish<br />

Two families occur in Maharashtra: (1) Procellariidae represented by<br />

Audubon's Shearwater Procellaria Iherminieri and the Black Petrel<br />

Bulweria aterrima, and (2) Hydrobatidae represented by Wilson’s Petrel<br />

Oceanites oceanicus, a specimen of which was obtained from Bombay<br />

harbour in 1947.<br />

(3) Order Pelecaniformes.—This order comprises five families of<br />

fish-eating birds characterised by having four toes connected by a web.<br />

These birds have a world-wide distribution. Tropic birds and frigate birds<br />

are found only in tropical oceans while pelicans, cormorants and darters<br />

frequent inland waters.<br />

Family Phaethontidae—Tropic birds: Three species have been<br />

recorded in India of which one is found in Maharashtra, namely the shorttailed<br />

tropic bird (Phaëthon aethereus)—Tropic birds are seldom seen near<br />

the coast and are really wanderers of the high seas. They can hover<br />

motionless and then dive from great heights for fish and squid. Their<br />

nearest breeding ground in India is the Persian Gulf area. The long pointed<br />

wings and the two elongated tail feathers are diagnostic features. Their<br />

colours are mainly white and brown.<br />

Family Pelecanidae—Pelicans: Pelicans are large swimming birds<br />

with an enormous pouch which is useful for catching fish in the water. In<br />

the wild state they are hardly ever seen in Maharashtra and have only once<br />

been recorded from Pandharpur, Sholapur District, in the cold weather.<br />

Family Sulidae—Boobies: Boobies are large-sized birds with long<br />

bills, webbed feet and long wings. They are generally black and white in<br />


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