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Fam, Histeridae. Compact, hard, shining. Antennae clubbed. Elytra<br />

truncated, abdominal end exposed. Black or brown, a few marked with<br />

red. Some metallic. Feign death when frightened. Live under bark, dung or<br />

carrion, some in burrows of wood boring insects, a few in the nests of<br />

termites or ants. Larvae short with short legs, wrinkled, carnivorous.<br />

About 2,500 species described, about 150 recorded in India, No regular<br />

list for Maharashtra.<br />

P, dufali, Rat, black, predaceous on bark feeding insects, L. 3 mm. P.<br />

ceylonicus. Black, shining, 1 inm. H. ehinensis. Black, oval. L. 8-11 mm.<br />

Generally in cow dung, H, bimaculatus. Black, broad, big. L. 17-20 mm.<br />

A. parea. Black, roundish L. 1-2 mm.<br />

See Gardner J.C.M. (1935) Genera Insectorum. Histeridae- Niponina.<br />

Fam, Lycidae. Big family of minor importance, Not studied well.<br />

Diurnal, clustering on plants. Brightly coloured, conspicuous, distasteful<br />

to birds, About 2,800 species known, 400 in India (Klein 1931 Cat. Ind.<br />

Ins). larvae flat, small head, elytra corrugated, often brightly coloured.<br />

Only 3 known from Maharashtra.<br />

Lycostomus spp. Feed on sandal flowers.<br />

See Gravely F. H. (1915) Rec, Ind, Mus. /7:358 Lyropaeus and Trilobite<br />

larvae.<br />

Fam. Lampyridae (Fire flies and Glow worms) ( क जव) (Pt. V, Fig. 65 a<br />

& b), Nocturnal. Possess photogenic organs or tissues. All or only one<br />

stage may be luminiscent Winged adult male a ' fire fly’, wingless female '<br />

glow worm ‘ More common in the rainy season. Eggs laid in soil,<br />

protected by mother in some species. Larvae flat, feed on soil insects,<br />

worms, snails etc. Pupate in soil or rotting wood. Generally adults do not<br />

feed but the male takes droplets of water and some females are<br />

cannibalastic. Life cycle may last a year or two. In fire flies the ventral<br />


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