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Guide to the Molluscan Literature 497<br />

The iMechanisni of Feeding, Digestion, and Assimilation in the Lamellibranch<br />

Mya. C. M. Yonge. 1923. Brit. Jour. Exper. Biol., vol. i, pp. 15-63, 27 figs.<br />

On the iVlorphology, Feeding Mechanisms, and Digestion of Ensis siliqua (Schumacher).<br />

A. Graham. 193 i. Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, vol. 56, pp. 725-<br />

751,8 figs.<br />

The Habitat and Food of the California Sea Adussel. D. L. Fox et al. 1936. Bull.<br />

Scripps Inst. Oceanogr. Univ. Calif., Tech. ser., vol. 4, no. i, pp. 1-64.<br />

The Systematic Value of a Study of Adolluscan Faeces. H. B. Moore. 193 i.<br />

Proc. Malacological Soc. London, vol. 19, pp. 281-291, 4 pis.<br />

Anatomy ajid Shell Structure<br />

The Anatomy of Some Protobranch Mollusks. Harold Heath. 1937. Mem.<br />

Mus. Royal d'Hist. Nat. Belgique, ser. 2, fasc. 10, pp. 3-25, 10 pis.<br />

The Anatomy of the Pelecypod Family Arcidae. Harold Heath. 1941. Trans.<br />

Amer. Philos. Soc. (n.s.), vol, 31, pt. 5, pp. 287-319, 22 pis.<br />

Uber die Anatomic von Chama pellucida Broderip. E. Grieser. 191 3. Zool.<br />

Jahrb. Suppl., vol. 13, pp. 207-280, i pL, 1 1 figs.<br />

Literature on the Shell Structure of Pelecypods. H. G. Schenck. 1934. Bull.<br />

Mus. Royal d'hist. Nat. Belgique, vol, 10, no. 34, pp. 1-20,<br />

The Structure and Composition of the Shell of Tellina tenuis. E. R. Trueman.<br />

1942. Journ. Royal Micro. Soc, vol. 62, pp. 69-92.<br />

The Shell Structure of the Mollusks. O. B. Boggild. 1930. D. Kgl. Danske<br />

Vidensk. Selsk. Skrifter, Naturv, Og Mathem., Afd. 9, Raekke n.2., pp. 233-<br />

326, 10 figs., 15 pis.<br />

The Pigmentation of Molluscan Shells. Alex Comfort. 1951. Biol. Reviews<br />

Cambridge Philos. Soc, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 285-301. 5 figs.<br />

The Mystery of the Pearl. J. Bolman. 1941. hitertiat. Archiv. Ethnographie,<br />

Leiden, suppl. to vol. 39, pp. 1-170, 37 pis. [Excellent semi-popular account<br />

in English.]<br />

Reprodiictio7i, Development and Larvae<br />

Sexual Differentiation in Mollusks. W. R. Coe. 1943. Quart. Review of Biology,<br />

vol. 18, pp. 154-164; also vol. 19, pp. 85-97. Large bibliography.<br />

Development of the Oyster. W. K. Brooks. 1880. Studies Biol. Lab., Johns Hop-<br />

kins Univ., vol. 4, pp. 1-93, 10 pis.<br />

Spawning Habits of the Mussel, Mytilus californianus Conrad, with Notes on<br />

the Possible Relation to Mussel Poison. W. W. Forest. 1936. Univ. Calif.<br />

PubL Zool., vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 35-44, pi- 3.<br />

Reproduction and Larval Ecology of Marine Bottom Invertebrates. G. Thorson.<br />

1950. Biol. Reviews, London, vol. 25, pp. 1-45. Large bibliography.<br />

Relations Between the Moon and Periodicity in the Breeding of Aiarine Animals.<br />

P. Korringa. 1947. Ecol. Mojjogr., Durham, N.C., vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 347-<br />

381 (Ostrea, Littorina, Mytilus and Facten).<br />

The Identification and Classification of Lamellibranch Larvae, C. B. Rees. 1950.<br />

Hidl Bidl. Mar. Ecol., vol, 3, no. 19, pp. 73-104, figs.<br />

Bivalve Larvae of A^alpeque Bay, P, E, I. M, C. Sullivan. 1948. Bidl. 77, Fish.<br />

Research Board Canada, pp. 1-36, 22 pis.

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