Control of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from Manufacturing

Control of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from Manufacturing

Control of Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from Manufacturing


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The use <strong>of</strong> data <strong>from</strong> the CTG for air oxidation processes is not<br />

adequate as a basis for KACT in this guideline document, and 98<br />

percent conrrol efficiency is not achievable on ;a continuous .and<br />

average basis.<br />

11111 I<br />

2. Discussion rhroughout the document infers' only incineraE<br />

and boilers can achieve RACT.<br />

There was only one reference to the use <strong>of</strong> process heaters and<br />

one reference to the use <strong>of</strong> refrigerated condensers as possible methods<br />

ro achieve RACT. In the reference to condensers, the efficiency was<br />

quesrioned. There was no reference to the processing <strong>of</strong> vent streams<br />

by orher units operated at the site or by neighboring units, nor was<br />

inert reference rc cornbinations <strong>of</strong> control techniques such as the use<br />

<strong>of</strong> ref rigerzic~ coxensers f oliouec by flare co:rrousrion. The<br />

re:-,erh;:on cI' xerxs. Iriclcerarix. st.ggesis e speciiir coniroi ner?oc<br />

cnc :ne autiioriiy to s?eciiy controi methods is quesrionable.<br />

3. Tne documentation <strong>of</strong> flare efficiencv is not complete,<br />

disregards or simolifies efficiency d,ata, and makes<br />

irzccurax x~fe!r~es:s ;n ilare dssigr! anc oserarions.<br />

Page 4-1 srares flare efficiency ". . . canno ntifiea in<br />

absence <strong>of</strong> adequare test data . . .", yet four flare studies were<br />

reviewed with one study containing 1298 test measurements. A portion<br />

oi this data was disregarded because the flared vern gas was <strong>from</strong> a<br />

petroleum industry. A petroleum industry vent gas i!; more variable in<br />

composition which mats design more difficult and i!; mare susceptible<br />

io efficiency problems than a plastics industry f<br />

Tim description <strong>of</strong> a polymer plant flare states, "The<br />

flares are mainly used to handle emergency blowdowns which requires<br />

the control device to handle large volumes <strong>of</strong> gases with variable<br />

co~qosirionr." This is true for iign ?yessure processes. but ?or f x<br />

pressure, liquia pnase high-density polyethylene ma polypropylene<br />

mznufacture. On page 3-12 good com~usrion ae!;ign for flares is<br />

queszioned aue to lac^ <strong>of</strong> llcompletely well-aefirred" measurement<br />

methods. Agericy or society approved methods give reliability to<br />

measuremenr methods, but the lack <strong>of</strong> these methods should not detract<br />

ircm tne evzluauor, <strong>of</strong> combustion design or tne merir <strong>of</strong> the flare<br />

eiiicienc!. car&. The $rase on page 5-18 in reference ss flares srating,<br />

". . . variarions in flow and hqar content <strong>of</strong> tne waste stream coulc<br />

ext~nguishme ilarne . . ." is completely false as flares are aesigneti<br />

with csnrinuous 2ilor ilames. .4 conrinuous pilot flame is essentia! to<br />

ensure safe conaitions.<br />

l~ l l l l ~ l l l I . , I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

i l<br />

. Cost calt:!anonc for ther ma1 incineraror .?sra!f arior: heed<br />

On page 5-5 the escalation ind<br />

labor cost <strong>of</strong> $1 1.1 Gihr (including overhead) is incorrect and should be<br />

$19. :G/hr (including overhead and benefits), and the interest rate <strong>of</strong> 10<br />

percent should be tlpazred to the 18-21) percent range. The COST<br />

andiiyses drc C C ~inciuae the cost <strong>of</strong> & filter sys~en: uostream <strong>of</strong> tne<br />

B-32<br />

I I<br />


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