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J) Some Empirical Evidence<br />

On the whole, the results of the empirical literature are consistent with these<br />

theoretical predictions. In the case of vertical integration, Monteverde and Teece (1982a)<br />

found automobile components that required greater design engineering (human asset<br />

specificity) were more likely to be vertically integrated (or less likely to be outsourced).15<br />

Moreover, according to the Masten et al. (1991) study of subcontracting practices in naval<br />

construction, the probability of vertical integration increased with the temporal specificity of<br />

particular construction activities. This is because any delay in these key critical path<br />

activities would disrupt the overall completion time of the project. If such a product was<br />

outsourced instead of vertically integrated, subcontractors could threaten a delay (holdup) in<br />

exchange for price concessions (increasing transaction costs). Reputation is another<br />

important enforcement mechanism that can be used to alleviate this problem, especially in<br />

the case of repeated relationships.16 We’ll observe in Section 3 that “past performance” is<br />

used as a criteria for subsequent contract awards, revealing that reputation is indeed a<br />

mechanism used to encourage specific investments and avoid holdups in practice.<br />

There is evidence that longer term contracts are used as a mechanism to mitigate<br />

the risk of holdup between coal mines and electric utilities that involve greater levels of asset<br />

specificity. Joskow (1987) examines transactions between coal mines (sellers) and electric<br />

utilities (buyers). The study reveals two interesting cases. In the West—where there are few<br />

coal mines, more limited transportation, and different grades of coal—there is a higher<br />

degree of asset specificity associated with transactions, and greater threat of ex-post<br />

opportunism. As predicted by TCE, Joskow reports transactions in the West tend to be<br />

governed by longer-term contracts, and that spot markets are virtually non-existent.17<br />

In sharp contrast, in the Eastern United States—where there are many electric<br />

utilities and coal mines, abundant and competitive transportation, and coal is largely<br />

homogeneous—there is a lower degree of asset specificity associated with transactions,<br />

and consequently a smaller threat of ex-post opportunism. As predicted by TCE, Joskow<br />

reports transactions largely occur in spot markets governed by short-term contracts.<br />

With respect to other mechanisms that can help promote and protect physical asset<br />

specificity—such as Government Owned, Contractor Operated (GOCO) specific assets—<br />

Monteverde and Teece (1982b) found automobile manufacturers were more likely to own<br />

15 A specific example comes from the decision of prime system developer Texas Instruments to make their own<br />

critical component of the Javelin anti-tank missile system: the matrix focal plane array. This item became the<br />

pacing item in the entire program—leading to a holdup situation—and eventually had to be outsourced to another<br />

vendor.<br />

16 For example, Acheson (1985) found that in fish markets, given a price for a catch, buyers (sellers) could act<br />

opportunistically by sorting individual high-quality (low-quality) fish. Monitoring could be used to avoid this, but<br />

increases transaction costs and lowers the surplus enjoyed by both parties. Instead, informal reputation-based<br />

agreements served to avoid these extra costs.<br />

17 Moreover, Joskow (1985) reports that when electricity plants locate themselves near coal mines to avoid high<br />

transportation costs (site specificity), they must be tailored to the grade of coal (physical asset specificity). As<br />

TCE predicts, the measures of vertical integration and explicit long-term contracts are common. In fact, these socalled<br />

“mine-mouth plants” were six times more likely to own the associated mine than other electricity<br />

generators. Those contracts are typically twenty to fifty years in duration, with provisions that prohibit price<br />

renegotiation for extended periods, specify in detail quantities to be supplied over the period, specify the quality<br />

of coal, index costs and the prices of substitutes, and defined procedures for arbitration in the event of disputes.<br />

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