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View/Open - Naval Postgraduate School

View/Open - Naval Postgraduate School


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FY05, the total MFP-11 budget was $6.6 billion, one-third of which was for acquisitionrelated<br />

transactions.<br />

Thus far, we have briefly described a range of transactions within the wide realm of<br />

materiel acquisition—from small, inexpensive items that are commercially available to large,<br />

complex developmental systems that are still beyond the reach of technical maturity and<br />

purchase availability (where much contracting uncertainty lies). We have also noted<br />

common and relative aspects of timeline availability, dollar size, and technical performance,<br />

and how such attributes impact the governance of those transactions.<br />

D) Government Contract Types and Risk<br />

The contracting officer’s primary concern is the overall price the Government<br />

will actually pay. The contracting officer’s objective is to negotiate a contract of a<br />

type and with a price providing the contractor the greatest incentive for efficient and<br />

economical performance. The negotiation of a contract type and a price are<br />

related and should be considered together with the issues of risk and<br />

uncertainty to the contractor and the Government. Therefore, the contracting<br />

officer should not become preoccupied with any single element and should balance<br />

the contract type, cost, and profit or fee negotiated to achieve a total result—a price<br />

that is fair and reasonable to both the Government and the contractor. (FAR, Part<br />

15.405(b))<br />

Among the key events in any government acquisition transaction is the contract<br />

award. The DoD employs contracts as vehicles for the accomplishment of acquisition<br />

objectives. The FAR (and DoD Risk Management literature) state that the three attributes<br />

we have been discussing here: cost, timeliness and technical performance/quality, are also<br />

the primary areas of risk in any transaction (FAR, Part 7.105(a)(7)). The policy dictates that<br />

determination of contract type “should be closely related to the risks involved in timely, costeffective,<br />

and efficient performance” (FAR Part 15.404-4(d)). “Type” of contracts refers to the<br />

contract compensation arrangement for defense contractors. And contract type selection is<br />

the principal method of allocating cost risk between the Government and the contractor.<br />

As discussed earlier, a variety of contract types are available to the DoD and its<br />

contractors to provide flexibility in acquiring the large variety and volume of supplies and<br />

services needed. Selecting the best contract type and price is a matter for negotiation and<br />

requires the exercise of sound judgment by both parties, judgment that this study proposes<br />

can be sharpened through the application of Transaction Cost Economics. Both parties<br />

seek to negotiate the most appropriate contract type for the kind of work to be performed in<br />

order to minimize spending and performance from the government’s perspective and to<br />

maximize profits from the contractor’s perspective.<br />

As seen in the FAR statement above, the government’s objective is to negotiate a<br />

contract type and price (or estimated cost and fee) that will result in reasonable contractor<br />

(profit) risk and provide the contractor with the greatest incentive for efficient and<br />

economical performance. Contracting officers are directed to consider the complexity as<br />

well as commercial availability and urgency of their transactions (FAR Part 5.203(b)). The<br />

larger the scale or more technical complexity of the transaction, the greater the perceived<br />

contract risk.<br />

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