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Table 12 – List of marine fish species recorded from Keti Bunder<br />

Species Family<br />

Detailed Ecological Assessment Report 2008 – Keti Bunder<br />

English name Local<br />

name<br />

Max<br />

size<br />

(cm)<br />

Weight<br />

(gm)<br />

Indus for All Programme – <strong>WWF</strong> <strong>Pakistan</strong> Page 64 of 188<br />

Commercial<br />

value<br />

Depth<br />

(m)<br />

Habitat Feeding habits<br />

1 Arius dussumieri Ariidae Sea cat fish 60 1400 Average 20-50 Found along the coast.<br />

Enters the lower parts<br />

of rivers.<br />

2 Arius maculatus Ariidae Spotted catfish Khagga 40 50 Low 2-10 Inshore and estuarine<br />

water<br />

3 Osteogeneiosus militaris Ariidae Soldier cat fish 35 Medium 10-90 Marine, coastal<br />

waters, as well as in<br />

estuaries<br />

mouths.<br />

and river<br />

4 Mystus gulio Bagridae Long whisker<br />

catfish<br />

5 Strongylura strongylura Belonidae Spottail<br />

needlefish<br />

6 Strongylura leiura Belonidae Banded<br />

needlefish<br />

45 Medium 0-10 Brackish water fish<br />

that enters in fresh<br />

water<br />

40 High 10-13 Coastal areas and<br />

mangrove-lined<br />

lagoons, also enters<br />

freshwater<br />

Kangho 100 200 Average 1-2<br />

(pelagic)<br />

Coastal waters,<br />

estuaries as well as<br />

freshwaters<br />

Feeds on<br />

invertebrates<br />

small fishes<br />

and<br />

Invertebrate<br />

small fishes<br />

and<br />

Polychaetes, small<br />

crustaceans,<br />

fishes<br />

small<br />

Aquatic insects and<br />

worms<br />

Small fishes,<br />

especially clupeoids<br />

Small fishes<br />

7 Pseudorhombus arsius Bothidae Largetoothed Kuker- 35 1000 high 1-100 Esturine Continental Bottom living<br />

flounder jeeb<br />

shelf<br />

animals<br />

8 Alepes djedaba Carangidae Shrimp scad Seem, 40 90 Average 3-10 Coastal water and reef Crustacean and<br />

Bangra<br />

areas (Amphidromous) copepods<br />

9 Carangoides chrysophrys Carangidae Longnose Seem, 72 500 Average 30 - 60 Open waters of Crustacean,<br />

trevally<br />

Bangra<br />

coastal reefs<br />

copepods<br />

10 Caranx para Carangidae Banded scad Bangra,<br />

Kakkar<br />

20 500 low 2-10 Inshore coastal zooplankton<br />

11 Scomberoides commersonnia Carangidae Blacktip Aal, 120 16,000 high 10-200 Coastal waters Fish, crustacean<br />

nus<br />

leatherskin Saram<br />

12 Trachinotus blochii Carangidae Snubnose Sonab 110 3,400 high 0-7 Juveniles in shallow Molluscs and crabs<br />

Pompano<br />

sandy or muddy bays<br />

near river mouths<br />

13 Chirocentrus dorab Chirocentridae Dorab wolf Kerli, 100 500 Average 0-120 Pelagic, inshore Small fishes and<br />

herring<br />

gairi<br />

crustaceans<br />

14 Nematolosa nasus Clupeidaae Long-ray bony Daddi- 22 200 Average 0-30 Pelagic, coastal Detritus, phyto and<br />

bream<br />

palli<br />

waters, entering zooplankton<br />

estuaries, creeks

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