E200Z1RM, e200z1 Power Architecture Ž Core - Reference Manual

E200Z1RM, e200z1 Power Architecture Ž Core - Reference Manual

E200Z1RM, e200z1 Power Architecture Ž Core - Reference Manual


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Register Model<br />

The TCR fields are defined in Table 2-8<br />

Table 2-8. Timer Control Register Field Descriptions<br />

Bits Name Description<br />

0:1<br />

(32:33)<br />

2:3<br />

(34:35)<br />

4<br />

(36)<br />

5<br />

(37)<br />

6:7<br />

(38:39)<br />

8<br />

(40)<br />

9<br />

(41)<br />

10<br />

(42)<br />

11:14<br />

(43:46)<br />

15:18<br />

(47:50)<br />

19:31<br />

(51:63)<br />

WP Watchdog Timer Period<br />

When concatenated with WPEXT, specifies one of 64 bit locations of the time base used to signal a<br />

watchdog timer exception on a transition from 0 to 1.<br />

TCRwpext[0–3],TCRwp[0–1] == 6’b000000 selects TBU[0]<br />

TCRwpext[0–3],TCRwp[0–1] == 6’b111111 selects TBL[31]<br />

WRC Watchdog Timer Reset Control<br />

00 No Watchdog Timer reset will occur<br />

01 Force processor checkstop on second time-out of Watchdog Timer<br />

10 Assert processor reset output (p_resetout_b) on second time-out of Watchdog Timer<br />

11 Reserved<br />

TCR[WRC] resets to 0b00. This field may be set by software, but cannot be cleared by software (except<br />

by a software-induced reset). Once written to a non-zero value, this field may no longer be altered by<br />

software.<br />

WIE Watchdog Timer Interrupt Enable<br />

DIE Decrementer Interrupt Enable<br />

FP Fixed-Interval Timer Period - When concatenated with FPEXT, specifies one of 64 bit locations of the time<br />

base used to signal a fixed-interval timer exception on a transition from 0 to 1.<br />

TCR fpext [0–3],TCR fp [0–1] == 6’b000000 selects TBU[0]<br />

TCR fpext [0–3],TCR fp [0–1] == 6’b111111 selects TBL[31]<br />

FIE Fixed-Interval Timer Interrupt Enable<br />

ARE Auto-reload Enable<br />

— Reserved 1<br />

WPEXT Watchdog Timer Period Extension (see above description for WP)<br />

These bits get prepended to the TCR WP bits to allow selection of the one of the 64 Time Base bits used<br />

to signal a Watchdog Timer exception.<br />

tb 0:63 ← TBU 0:31 || TBL 0:31<br />

wp ← TCR WPEXT || TCR WP<br />

tb_wp_bit ← tb wp<br />

FPEXT Fixed-Interval Timer Period Extension (see above description for FP)<br />

These bits get prepended to the TCR FP bits to allow selection of the one of the 64 Time Base bits used<br />

to signal a Fixed-Interval Timer exception.<br />

tb 0:63 ← TBU 0:31 || TBL 0:31<br />

fp ← TCR FPEXT || TCR FP<br />

tb_fp_bit ← tb fp<br />

— Reserved 1<br />

1 These bits are not implemented and should be written with zero for future compatibility.<br />

<strong>e200z1</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Architecture</strong> <strong>Core</strong> <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>, Rev. 0<br />

2-16 Freescale Semiconductor

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