Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)

Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)

Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)


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Chapter 4 – Conntrol<br />

of mechanical<br />

and degraddation<br />

properties s in composites<br />

Measuremments<br />

with Ubbelohde<br />

decreasees<br />

in intrinsic viscosity for<br />

apatite coontent.<br />

In facct,<br />

in higher<br />

viscosity decrease (TTable<br />

3). Dyn<br />

indicated a significant increase in su<br />

content ( (ANOVA, p= 10<br />

decreasee<br />

in contact an<br />

than M255.<br />

The contact<br />

–8 viscometer sshowed<br />

sign nificant post– –extrusion<br />

the copolymmer,<br />

which wa as correlated with the<br />

apatite contaaining<br />

materia als there was a larger<br />

namic contacct<br />

angle mea asurements (F Figure 4)<br />

urface hydropphilicity<br />

with the increase of apatite<br />

, compar rison of initiaal<br />

values). The T sharp an nd larger<br />

ngle of M50 over o time indiccated<br />

that it absorbed a wate er quicker<br />

angle of M0 kept k stable inddicating<br />

no or little water abs sorption.<br />

4.3.3. In vvitro<br />

degradattion<br />

As expeccted,<br />

there wass<br />

larger fluid uptake when more apatite was present (Table ( 4),<br />

which ledd<br />

to polymer<br />

hydrolysis as indicated by intrinsic c viscosity changes.<br />

Unexpecttedly,<br />

larger fluid uptake correspondedd<br />

to smaller decrease in n intrinsic<br />

viscosity (Table 2). IIn<br />

filler–conta aining compoosites,<br />

i.e. M25<br />

and M50 0, apatite<br />

dissolutioon<br />

and/or releease<br />

of whole<br />

apatite paarticles<br />

occurr red as shown<br />

by the<br />

increasingg<br />

calcium andd<br />

phosphate ion concentraation<br />

in SPS over o time.<br />

As expeccted,<br />

M25 releeased<br />

signific cantly fewer ioons<br />

as compa ared to M50 due d to its<br />

lower apaatite<br />

content (FFigure<br />

5; Table<br />

4). The phaase<br />

content of o apatite (and polymer)<br />

remainedd<br />

relatively sstable,<br />

varyin ng within ±11–3%<br />

compa ared to their r starting<br />

counterpaarts<br />

(Table 1). .<br />

Figure 3. TTEM<br />

images of MM25<br />

at (a) low and<br />

(c) high magnification.<br />

TEM im mages of M50 at (b) low and<br />

(d) high maagnification.<br />

BSEEM<br />

images of cro oss–sections of ( (e) M25 and (f) M50 taken unde er the same<br />

conditions oof<br />

electron beamm<br />

voltage, workin ng distance, conttrast<br />

and brightn ness. Uniform dis stribution of<br />

apatite partticles<br />

in both commposites<br />

is observ ved. Due to the loower<br />

content of apatite, a M25 appears<br />

darker<br />

than M50 (ssee<br />

as reference BSEM images in n Chapter 3).<br />


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