Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)

Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)

Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)


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Chapter 7 – Polymer mole ecular weight annd<br />

instructive co omposites<br />

(0 out of 6) ). Mature bonee<br />

formed tightly<br />

to the mineralised<br />

surfaces<br />

of ML gran nules, while<br />

non–minerralised<br />

bone mmatrix,<br />

with active a osteobllast–like<br />

cells s, was observ ved on the<br />

outer surfaace<br />

of the matture<br />

bone (Fig gure 7). Thesee<br />

results indic cated that the process of<br />

bone formaation<br />

was still active after 12<br />

weeks of immplantation.<br />

Th he fact that mature<br />

bone<br />

grew tightlyy<br />

onto the minneralised<br />

apat tite layers wass<br />

confirmed by y BSEM image es taken in<br />

the same sspots<br />

used forr<br />

histology (Fig gure 8a,c).<br />

Figure 7. Hisstology<br />

images ( (non–decalcified, , 1% methylene blue and 0.3% basic fuchsin sta aining) of ML<br />

explant harveested<br />

from back muscle of dogs after 12 weeks. . Image (b) is th he magnification of the box in<br />

image (a). Heeterotopic<br />

bone formation was in nduced and an aactive,<br />

but not yet<br />

mineralized, bo one formation<br />

zone (long black<br />

arrows) is vvisible.<br />

Osteoblas sts (long white aarrows)<br />

are embe edded in bone matrix<br />

and are<br />

synthesising new bone. The inner part of the<br />

bone is an immmature<br />

woven and a mineralized tissue (white<br />

stars). Surfacce<br />

mineralisationn<br />

occurred (blac ck triangles) andd<br />

bone tightly for rmed onto these e mineralized<br />

layers. Soft tiissues<br />

(ST) and bbulk<br />

of the mater rial (ML) are indiccated<br />

as well. The<br />

box in (b) indic cates the spot<br />

where BSEMM<br />

images have beeen<br />

taken (Figure e 8c).<br />

As comparred<br />

to the starrting<br />

materials s, thicker apat<br />

both compposites<br />

could bbe<br />

observed (Figure ( 8). Th<br />

may have precipitated from body flu uids and nuc<br />

significant increase in thhickness<br />


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