Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)

Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)

Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)


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Chapter 7 – Polymer mole ecular weight annd<br />

instructive co omposites<br />

equivalencce,<br />

while the patterns of th he two compoosites<br />

displaye ed all the poly ymers and<br />

apatite bannds<br />

demonstrating<br />

that the apatite particcles<br />

were succ cessfully intro oduced into<br />

the polymeers<br />

(Figure 1bb).<br />

After burning<br />

the polymeers<br />

out, only apatite was le eft and the<br />

composition<br />

of the two composites could c be determined<br />

(Table 2), resulting close c to the<br />

expected contents of 50%wt. In particular,<br />

no significant differences<br />

in the initial<br />

apatite/polyymer<br />

contentt<br />

between ML M and MH were observ ved (p>0.73). Scanning<br />

electron microscopy<br />

(SEEM)<br />

images of<br />

loose granules<br />

demonstra ated similar nano–rough<br />

surface toppographies<br />

for<br />

both compo osites with expposed<br />

acicula ar–shaped apa atite nano–<br />

particles thhat<br />

might be the main resp ponsible for thhe<br />

rough topo ographies (Fig gure 2a,c).<br />

Homogeneeous<br />

cores, with no la arge apatite agglomerate es, were observed<br />

in<br />

backscatteered<br />

scanningg<br />

electron (B BSEM) imagees<br />

of the cro oss–sectioned d granules<br />

(Figures 2b,d).<br />

Alkali treeatment<br />

affec cted the compposites<br />

surfac ce, resulting in<br />

a partial<br />

removal off<br />

the polymer<br />

and exposu ure of apatitee<br />

particles (Figure<br />

2b,d). In the two<br />

materials, the exposed apatite layers s had similar average thick kness (p>0.28 8) and they<br />

surroundedd<br />

the granulees<br />

covering similar perceentage<br />

perime eters (p>0.8) (Table 3)<br />

indicating tthat<br />

alkali treaatment<br />

had sim milar effect on the two materials.<br />

Figure 1. (aa)<br />

XRD and (b) FTIR spectra for f apatite, the ttwo<br />

polymers (P PDL–H and PDL L–L) and the<br />

composites tthereof<br />

(MH and ML). Polymers have amorphouss<br />

component as demonstrated by<br />

their broad<br />

XRD patternss.<br />

From the commposite<br />

XRD spe ectra it can be sseen<br />

that apatite was introduced into the two<br />

polymers. Thhese<br />

results aree<br />

confirmed by the FTIR specctra,<br />

showing th hat vibrational bands b of the<br />

composites innclude<br />

those of aapatite<br />

and of the e two polymers. (cc)<br />

TEM image of f apatite particles s. PDL–H and<br />

PDL–L indiccate<br />

high and low<br />

molecular weight w poly(D,L– –lactide) respect tively; MH and ML indicate<br />

composites pprepared<br />

with high<br />

and low molecu ular weight polymmer<br />

respectively. TEM scale bar is s 200 nm.<br />


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