Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)

Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)

Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)


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Chapter 6 – Flu uid uptake as insstructive<br />

factor<br />

Figure 13. Microscopy detaails<br />

of (a) MLD, (b) ( MLDL and (cc)<br />

MDL explants stained s with meth hylene blue<br />

and basic fuuchsin.<br />

Green triangles<br />

indicate surface s mineralizzation<br />

layers onto o the granules. Black<br />

arrows<br />

indicate acttive<br />

osteoblasts on immature bon ne matrix and whhite<br />

arrows show w osteocytes. Sta ars indicate<br />

ongoing bone<br />

matrix formatiion,<br />

letters B and d ST stands for mmature<br />

bone and soft s tissue respec ctively.<br />

6.4.1. Composites<br />

The commposites<br />

had similar surfac ce mineralizin<br />

simulatedd<br />

body fluid aall<br />

granules were w covered<br />

soaking inn<br />

foetal bovine<br />

serum (FBS S) solution for<br />

and MDLL<br />

had comparable<br />

fluid abs sorption. Intere<br />

adsorbedd<br />

similar amouunts<br />

of serum proteins (Figu<br />

up less fluids<br />

and adsoorbed<br />

less pro oteins (Figure<br />

MLD, thee<br />

higher fluid uuptake<br />

in MLD DL and MDL a<br />

surfaces and FBS, inccreasing<br />

the probability p of<br />

short afteer<br />

implantatioon<br />

in vivo, biological b mol<br />

clotting faactors,<br />

could have largely y adsorbed on<br />

allowing aadhesion<br />

of innflammation<br />

ce ells. [216]<br />

ng potential, as a within two o days in<br />

by mineralize ed apatite layers.<br />

After<br />

a week at bo ody temperature,<br />

MLDL<br />

estingly, these e two compos sites also<br />

ure 6). In turn, MLD significa antly took<br />

6). In this situ uation, as com mpared to<br />

allowed better r contact betw ween their<br />

serum protein n adsorption. Similarly,<br />

ecules from body fluids, including<br />

n the surface es of MLDL and a MDL<br />


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