Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)

Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)

Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)


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Chapter 6 – Fluid uptake as instructive factor<br />

were used. Every day the pH of the degrading solution was recorded with a pH–meter<br />

(Orion 4 Star, Thermo Scientific, USA) and the medium was refreshed in case the pH<br />

fell below 7. With the solution removed at every refreshment, the amounts (in mg) of<br />

calcium and phosphate ions released from the samples were measured using<br />

appropriate biochemical kits (QuantiChrom TM Calcium assay kit, BioAssay Systems,<br />

USA; PhosphoWorks TM Colorimetric Phosphate Assay kit Blue Color, Bioquest Inc,<br />

USA) with the help of a spectrophotometer (AnthosZenyth 3100, Anthos Labtec<br />

Instruments GmbH, Salzburg, Austria) and absorbance filter of 620 nm for both<br />

assays. At each of the considered time points, i.e. 1, 3 and 5 weeks, the granules<br />

were removed from the degrading media, the excess PBS was wiped away and their<br />

wet weight was measured (mwet). Afterwards they have been vacuum–dried at room<br />

temperature until their weight was stable and then were weighed (mdry). The mass<br />

loss and fluid uptake of the composites was determined as:<br />

mass loss = 100 · (m0 – mdry) / m0<br />

fluid uptake = 100 · (mwet – mdry) / mdry<br />

Part of the degraded samples were then heated at 900°C to burn the polymer phase<br />

out and determine the final effective apatite and polymer contents. The remaining part<br />

of the samples was dissolved in chloroform (Sigma–Aldrich) and, after separating<br />

apatite from the polymer, we determined the inherent and intrinsic viscosities (inh and<br />

) and weight average molecular weight (Mw) using an Ubbelohde viscometer as<br />

explained in §6.2.3. To evaluate the hydrolysis rate of the polymer phase in the two<br />

composites we estimated the autocatalysed hydrolytic degradation rate constant<br />

k as (see § for theory background):<br />

k · t = –ln( / )<br />

where is the initial intrinsic viscosity and is the intrinsic viscosity at the<br />

considered time point t (t=0, 7, 21 and 35 days) for the considered polymer phase.<br />

The results were plotted on a graph ln(/) against time t (in days) and the<br />

constant k was estimated with linear regression.<br />

6.2.6. Surface mineralization in simulated body fluid<br />

Simulated body fluid (SBF) was prepared according to Kokubo [247] by dissolving<br />

reagent grade chemicals (Merck) in distilled water strictly in the following order: NaCl,<br />

NaHCO3, KCl, K2HPO4·3H20, MgCl2·6H2O, CaCl2 (calcium ion standard solution 0.1<br />

M, Metrohm, Herisau, Switzerland) and Na2SO4. The fluid was then buffered to pH 7.4<br />

at 36.5°C using Tris ((CH2OH)3CNH3) and 1 M HCl. The final solution had an ion<br />

concentration (in mM) as follows: Na + , 142; K + , 5; Mg 2+ , 1.5; Ca 2+ , 2.5; Cl – , 147.8;<br />

(HCO3) – , 4.2; (HPO4) 2– , 1; (SO4) 2– , 0.5. Granules of the composites (0.25 g) and<br />

ceramics (0.25 g, prepared by crushing and sieving the cylinders) were soaked in 100<br />


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