Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)

Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)

Barbieri Thesis - BioMedical Materials program (BMM)


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Chapter 4 – Conntrol<br />

of mechanical<br />

and degraddation<br />

properties s in composites<br />

frameworrk<br />

for bone fo<br />

osteoblasst<br />

adhesion.<br />

mimic bo<br />

mechanic<br />

however<br />

content a<br />

These int<br />

influence<br />

The use<br />

character<br />

However,<br />

lead to b<br />

entrap th<br />

homogen<br />

particular<br />

avoid fille<br />

provoking<br />

breaking<br />

a solvent<br />

size 300–<br />

acetone<br />

resulting<br />

inorganic<br />

evaporati<br />

their agg<br />

fumes ma<br />

[24<br />

one tissue p<br />

cally and biolo<br />

their develop<br />

and distributio<br />

trinsic propert<br />

the character<br />

of increasing<br />

ristics, [241–243]<br />

ormation<br />

, we observed<br />

brittle compos<br />

he inorganic f<br />

neous distrib<br />

rly it favors un<br />

er aggregates<br />

g and support<br />

of the materia<br />

t–based meth<br />

–400 m). In<br />

and added p<br />

composites w<br />

component<br />

on, the fumin<br />

gregation befo<br />

ay create nano<br />

[241] w<br />

41–243] Thus, co<br />

physicochemic<br />

ogically (i.e. os<br />

pment implies<br />

on, the chemis<br />

ies of compos<br />

ristics of the fin<br />

amounts of<br />

can improve<br />

d that an exce<br />

sites because<br />

filler (see Cha<br />

bution of the<br />

niform load tra<br />

because they<br />

ing the format<br />

al. [333] with increasedd<br />

protein adsorption<br />

and enhanced e<br />

ombining polymmers<br />

with calc cium phospha ates could<br />

cally (i.e. coomposition<br />

an nd porous structure), s<br />

steoconductivvity).<br />

Composites<br />

appear promising, p<br />

the control of many para ameters such h as filler<br />

stry and moleecular<br />

weight of the polyme er phase.<br />

sites should bbe<br />

carefully ba alanced as the ey largely<br />

nal biomateriaal.<br />

inorganic filller,<br />

besides giving better biological<br />

the stiffness of the resulting<br />

composite es. [243, 332]<br />

essive filler quuantity,<br />

i.e. hig gher than 50% %wt., may<br />

the organic component is s not sufficien nt to fully<br />

apter 3 of thiss<br />

thesis). Fur rther to the content, c a<br />

e filler is cruccial<br />

for the mechanical m properties,<br />

ansfer along tthe<br />

whole mat terial. It is imp portant to<br />

y are stress ppoints<br />

where loads l may concentrate<br />

tion of internaal<br />

cracks, whic ch later can le ead to the<br />

In a prev vious study (ssee<br />

Chapter 3 of this thesis) ) we used<br />

od to prepare e porous compposites<br />

(poros sity >60%vv. with pore<br />

n that study we suspendeed<br />

nano–size ed apatite pa articles in<br />

poly(D,L–lactid de), a polymeer<br />

fully dissolv vable in acetone.<br />

The<br />

were not unif form and hadd<br />

aggregates s (2 to 6 m m size) of<br />

(see Chapter<br />

3 of this thhesis)<br />

because<br />

during the e solvent<br />

ng of acetone may have shhifted<br />

the apat tite particles le eading to<br />

ore the comp plete polymerr<br />

hardening. Further, such h solvent<br />

o– and/or micro–pores<br />

in thhe<br />

composite matrix m (Figure 1).<br />

Figure 1. SSEM<br />

picture of thhe<br />

surface of a co omposite prepareed<br />

using solvent– –way (i.e. aceton ne) showing<br />

the pores caused,<br />

most likelly,<br />

by the solvent t evaporation. Figgure<br />

(b) is the hig gher magnification<br />

of (a).<br />


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