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Literarni posredniki<br />

Literary Mediators<br />

Literarni posredniki<br />

Literary Mediators<br />

102 103<br />

she was covering Gaza and the West Bank for the Ha’aretz<br />

weekly supplement. She has been a faculty member of<br />

the Camera Obscura School of the Arts and Sam Spiegel<br />

School of Film. She has also been invited to the Tel Aviv<br />

University as a visiting writer. Today she is Senior Lecturer<br />

at the Department of Hebrew and Comparative Literature<br />

at the University of Haifa. In 1994 she received the Israel<br />

Prime Minister’s Award for Literature. Her works have been<br />

translated into German and Dutch.<br />

rmatalon@bezeqint.net<br />

Monika Sznajderman-Pasierska, Poljska / Poland<br />

Monika Sznajderman-Pasierska se je rodila leta 1959 v<br />

Varšavi. Doktorirala je na Poljski akademiji znanosti. Med<br />

njenimi deli so: Zaraza. Mitologia dżumy, cholery i AIDS<br />

(Kuga. Mitologija kuge, kolere in AIDS-a, 1994), Biblia<br />

pauperum. Szkice o video i kulturze popularnej (Biblia<br />

pauperum. Eseji o video in popularni kulturi, 1998) in<br />

Błazen. Maski i metafory (Dvorni norec. Maske in metafore,<br />

2001). Mnogi izmed njenih člankov so bili objavljeni<br />

v znanstvenih publikacijah in revijah o kulturi. Od leta<br />

1996 vodi založbo Czarne, ki jo je soustanovila z možem,<br />

pisateljem Andrzejem Stasiukom.<br />

Monika Sznajderman-Pasierska was born in 1959 in<br />

Warsaw. She obtained her doctorate at the Polish Academy<br />

of Sciences. Among her works there are: Zaraza. Mitologia<br />

dżumy, cholery i AIDS (The Pest. Mythology of Plague,<br />

Cholera and AIDS, 1994), Biblia pauperum. Szkice o<br />

video i kulturze popularnej (Biblia pauperum. Essays on<br />

the video and popular culture, 1998) and Błazen. Maski i<br />

metafory (The Jester. Masks and Metaphors, 2001). Many<br />

of her articles have been published in the scientific press<br />

and cultural magazines. Since 1996 she runs the Czarne<br />

Publishers, which she founded with her husband, the writer<br />

Andrzej Stasiuk.<br />

redakcja@czarne.com.pl<br />

Alexandra Büchler, Velika Britanija / Great Britain<br />

Alexandra Büchler je ustanovna direktorica Literature<br />

Across Frontiers, programa za mednarodno literarno<br />

izmenjavo s sedežem v Veliki Britaniji, in članica uredniškega<br />

sveta spletne literarne revije Transcript in urednica<br />

zbirke pesniških antologij New Voices from Europe and<br />

Beyond (Novi glasovi Evrope in onkraj), ki jih izdaja založba<br />

Arc Publications. Prevaja prozo, poezijo, dramatiko, filmske<br />

scenarije in besedila o moderni umetnosti in arhitekturi iz<br />

angleščine, češčine in grščine. Prevedla je več kot petindvajset<br />

del in uredila več antologij. Njena zadnja knjiga je<br />

Six Czech Poets (Šest čeških pesnikov, Arc 2007).<br />

Alexandra Büchler is the founding director of Literature<br />

Across Frontiers, a programme of international literary exchange<br />

and policy debate based in the UK, and member of<br />

the editorial board of its internet literary review Transcript<br />

and editor of New Voices from Europe and Beyond, a poetry<br />

anthology series brought out by Arc Publications. She<br />

is a translator of fiction, poetry, theatre plays, film scripts<br />

and texts on modern art and architecture from English,<br />

Czech and Greek. She has translated over twenty-five works<br />

and edited a number of anthologies. Her latest book is Six<br />

Czech Poets, Arc 2007.<br />

www.lit-across-frontiers.org, www.transcript-review.org<br />

Sioned Puw Rowlands,<br />

Velika Britanija / Great Britain<br />

Sioned Puw Rowlands vodi agencijo The Welsh Literature<br />

Abroad. Skupaj z Alexandro Büchler in ustanovo The Mercator<br />

Institute je leta 2000 vzpostavila program Literature<br />

Across Frontiers. Je sourednica zbirke prevodne literature<br />

pri založbi Seren, urednica in direktorica publikacije Transcript<br />

Review in vodja skupine skupine pri Culture Colony,<br />

digitalnem kanalu valižanskih umetnikov. Je avtorica nagrajene<br />

zbirke kratkih zgodb, knjižne izdaje intervjujev z<br />

valižanskimi avtorji in študije na temo eseja. Je soavtorica<br />

poročila Making Literature Travel (Naj književnost potuje),<br />

skupaj z Alexandro Büchler. Kmalu bo izšel njen The Babel<br />

Guide to Welsh Literature (Eklektični vodnik po valižanski<br />


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