103 Trigonometry Problems

103 Trigonometry Problems

103 Trigonometry Problems


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122 <strong>103</strong> <strong>Trigonometry</strong> <strong>Problems</strong><br />

By Gauss’s lemma, the only possible rational roots of the above cubic<br />

equation are 1 and −1. It is easy to see that neither is a root. Hence the<br />

above equation has no rational root, implying that 2 cos a is not rational.<br />

Therefore, cos a is not rational.<br />

Note: Although converting to equation (∗) is not necessary, it is a very<br />

effective technique. Instead of checking of eight possible rational roots<br />

from the set { ± 1 8 , ± 1 4 , ± 1 2 , ±1 } of the equation<br />

8x 3 − 4x 2 − 4x + 1 = 0,<br />

we need to check only two possibilities for equation (∗).<br />

(f) Because 3a + 4a = π, it follows that tan 3a + tan 4a = 0. The doubleangle<br />

and the addition and subtraction formulas yield<br />

or<br />

tan a + tan 2a 2 tan 2a<br />

+<br />

1 − tan a tan 2a 1 − tan 2 2a = 0,<br />

tan a + 3 tan 2a − 3 tan a tan 2 2a − tan 3 2a = 0.<br />

Set tan a = x. Then tan 2a =<br />

2 tan a<br />

1−tan 2 a =<br />

2x<br />

1−x 2 . Hence<br />

x +<br />

6x<br />

1 − x 2 − 12x3<br />

(1 − x 2 ) 2 − 8x3<br />

(1 − x 2 ) 3 = 0,<br />

or (1 − x 2) 3 (<br />

+ 6 1 − x 2) 2 ( − 12x<br />

2<br />

1 − x 2) − 8x 2 = 0.<br />

Expanding the left-hand side of the above equation gives<br />

x 6 − 21x 4 + 35x 2 − 7 = 0. (†)<br />

Thus tan a is a root of the above equation. Note that 6a + 8a = 2π and<br />

9a + 12a = 3π, and so tan[3(2a)]+tan[4(2a)] =0 and tan[3(3a)]+<br />

tan[4(3a)] =0. Hence tan 2a and tan 3a are the also the roots of equation<br />

(†). Therefore, tan 2 ka, k = 1, 2, 3, are the distinct roots of the cubic<br />

equation<br />

x 3 − 21x 2 + 35x − 7 = 0.<br />

By Viète’s theorem,wehave<br />

tan 2 a + tan 2 2a + tan 2 3a = 21;<br />

tan 2 a tan 2 2a + tan 2 2a tan 2 3a + tan 2 3a tan 2 a = 35;<br />

tan 2 a tan 2 2a tan 2 3a = 7.

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