Party Autonomy in International Property Law - Peace Palace Library

Party Autonomy in International Property Law - Peace Palace Library

Party Autonomy in International Property Law - Peace Palace Library


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A. General Aspects of <strong>Party</strong> <strong>Autonomy</strong><br />

mutual relationship. 30 On the one hand, this meets the practical requirements<br />

of modern legal transactions; on the other hand, it is an attempt to<br />

overcome the ma<strong>in</strong>ly academic problem of conflit mobile. 31<br />

The Dutch <strong>Property</strong> <strong>Law</strong> (Conflict of <strong>Law</strong>s) Act has followed this development<br />

and <strong>in</strong>cludes six provisions, scattered over the Act, that provide for<br />

the possibility of choos<strong>in</strong>g which law shall be applicable to the proprietary<br />

rights regime <strong>in</strong> the legal relationship between the parties. Such a choice<br />

of law will usually be based on practical considerations. For example,<br />

Article 13 paragraph 2 of the Act provides that Dutch companies whose<br />

stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange may stipulate that the<br />

transfer of these ‘American shares’ shall be governed by the law of the<br />

federal state of New York. It reads as follows:<br />

‘In derogation from paragraph 1, where, <strong>in</strong> order to promote the<br />

marketability of registered shares <strong>in</strong> a Dutch public limited liability<br />

company on a regulated foreign stock exchange, such shares are issued<br />

<strong>in</strong> a form customary <strong>in</strong> the state of establishment of that stock<br />

exchange, the issu<strong>in</strong>g company may provide that the proprietary rights<br />

regime of the shares will be determ<strong>in</strong>ed by the law of the state of<br />

establishment of the relevant stock exchange or the law of the state<br />

<strong>in</strong> which, with the consent of the relevant stock exchange, deliveries<br />

and other proprietary juridical acts regard<strong>in</strong>g the shares may or must<br />

be performed.’ 32<br />

30<br />

See Flessner 2010 (note 23).<br />

31<br />

Accord<strong>in</strong>g to Dutch law, most of the foreign proprietary rights will be recognised.<br />

See Van der Weide 2006, Chapter 4.<br />

32<br />

In its orig<strong>in</strong>al Dutch version, Article 13 paragraph 2 of the Dutch <strong>Property</strong><br />

<strong>Law</strong> (Conflict of <strong>Law</strong>s) Act (Article 10:138 paragraph 2 Civil Code) reads as<br />

follows: ‘In afwijk<strong>in</strong>g van het eerste lid kan met betrekk<strong>in</strong>g tot aandelen op<br />

naam <strong>in</strong> een Nederlandse naamloze vennootschap waaraan, ter bevorder<strong>in</strong>g<br />

van de verhandelbaarheid aan een gereglementeerde buitenlandse effectenbeurs<br />

een <strong>in</strong> de staat van vestig<strong>in</strong>g van de beurs gebruikelijke vorm is gegeven,<br />

door de uitgevende vennootschap worden bepaald dat het goederenrechtelijke<br />

regime wordt beheerst door het recht van de staat van vestig<strong>in</strong>g van de betrokken<br />

beurs dan wel het recht van de staat waar<strong>in</strong> met <strong>in</strong>stemm<strong>in</strong>g van de<br />

betrokken beurs lever<strong>in</strong>gen en andere goederenrechtelijke rechtshandel<strong>in</strong>gen<br />

betreffende de aandelen kunnen of moeten worden verricht.’<br />

50<br />

Jeroen van der Weide<br />

© sellier. european law publishers<br />


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