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ttule which should be sold hard on that angle and on the timeliness<br />

oj the topic. On each oj these, as uith others of this kind in the<br />

fmst, exhibitors will find that advertising them pays off.<br />


highly exploitable.<br />

subjects, most of them<br />

Promotion Tips: Two currently in release are "I Am a Paratrooper"<br />

and "Professor, FBI," which are timely and can he sold on the topical<br />

appeal as well as the subject matter. Past or present paratroopers<br />

ran get good local newspaper publicity, if tied in to the opening<br />

with some hoopla: local FBI offices will cooperate for newspaper,<br />

radio and TV publicity.<br />

LEON EKROL COMEDY RERELEASES: Six in all. two-reelers. The<br />

Errnl name still has comedy value for programming.<br />

I:I)(;AR Kennedy RERELEASES: six in all. two-reelers. Same selling<br />

appeal here as with the Leon Errol subjects.<br />

GIL LAMB COMEDIES: Four, all new, with stills and accessories now<br />

available because of Lamb's growing popularity.<br />

NEWLYWEDS COMEDIES: Two, both new, with stills and accessories<br />

now available.<br />

MU.SICAL RERELE-\SES: With top names: Phil Harris and Jack<br />

Carson in "Harris in the Spring" and Louis Prima and Lucille Ball in<br />

'"Swing It." Name values can be used as selling material for these.<br />

BLACK AND WHITE SPECIALS: The two annual, very<br />

popular sports<br />

subjects: "Football Highlights" and "Basketball Highlights."<br />

Promotion Tips: The sports pages will make note of your playdate<br />

if you contact them, giva them some idea of what is contained in<br />

this season's coverage of the ttvo sports.<br />


special, 45-minute compilation of the best of Mickey Mouse.<br />

Promotion and Programming Tips: As a feature, the show is especially<br />

strong for kiddy matinees, .is a second or supplementary feature,<br />

it should draw added patronage and dispense with need for<br />

other shorts on the progrtm, except newsreels. The name draw is,<br />

of course, tops: stress the anniversary theme in ads and accessories,<br />

which will be available via National Screen in quantity and variety.<br />


rcelrrs in Technicolor, with Donald,<br />

CARTOONS: Series of 18 single-<br />

Mickey. Goofy, Pluto et al.<br />

TiiviN Tips: The Disney short ad line tvill pull. Licensed character<br />

merchandise offers tie-ins with local merchants via co-op ads, continuing<br />

displays, giveaivays of comic and coloring books, novelties.<br />

Also excellent for theatre sale of products which ivill not tax theatre<br />

s physical limitations. Contact: Disney character merchandising<br />

division, 1270 Sixth .Ave., New York City.<br />

SPtjRTSCOPES: One-reel black and white, 13 in series covering variety<br />

of sports subjects and personalities.<br />

SCREENLINERS: One-reel black and white variety subjects; swiftmoving<br />

coverage of interesting people and things. Excellent one just<br />

released is "Johnny Gets His Route," story of a newsboy, which will get<br />

sympathetic coverage from local newspapers, as well as newsboy contests.<br />


THIS WORLD OF OURS: .Series of 18 travel shorts<br />

minijli's each.<br />

Trucolor,<br />

Promotion Tips: Tie-in with TWA can aid local exploitation; the<br />

air line has special disjilay material on the countries covered and<br />

will use in windows if contacted. Hill also provide mailing lists.<br />

nine<br />

SERIALS: Now in general release: "Dick Tracy vs. Phantom Empire";<br />

for rilitase in January: "Robin Hood of Darkest Africa."<br />

I'iKJMOTlON Tips: Cood accessories available on both: circus herald,<br />

mat form, direct from Republic; silk, colored vcdance available National<br />

Flag, 43 We.st 2\st St.. New York City.; posters and one and<br />

three-sheets, from National Screen.<br />

20th Century-Fox<br />

lECHNICOLOR ART FILMS: .Series of seven, each depicting the masterworks<br />

of the w

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