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24<br />

Dogodki | Events<br />

25<br />

Spomladanski teki<br />


30. Maraton treh src (15. 5. 2010)<br />

Ena najbolj množičnih tekaških prireditev pri nas, Maraton treh src v<br />

Radencih, letos praznuje 30 let. Maraton treh src s svojo zelo široko<br />

paleto tekov ponuja za vsakogar nekaj: od najbolj čislanega maratona<br />

na 42,198 km, uradno izmerjenega s strani organizacije AIMS<br />

(mednarodne organizacije maratonskih in cestnih tekov), malega<br />

maratona na 21,098 km, ki se ga v posebni kategoriji vsako leto<br />

udeležijo tudi paraplegiki, tekov na 5,5, 8 in 10 km, humanitarnega<br />

teka pa do teka za najmlajše. Množično udeležbo več tisoč ljubiteljev<br />

pohodništva pa beleži tudi letos jubilejni, 20. Pohod treh src po<br />

vinorodnih gričih radgonsko-kapelskih goric.<br />

www.maraton-radenci.si<br />

30th Three Hearts Marathon (15 May 2010)<br />

One of the most prominent mass participation running events in<br />

Slovenia, the Three Hearts Marathon, celebrates its 30th anniversary<br />

in 2010. Featuring a wide variety of competitions, there is something<br />

for everybody: the most highly prized marathon over the 42.195 km<br />

distance officially measured by AIMS, International Association of<br />

Marathons and Distance Races; the 21.098 km half-marathon, which<br />

includes a special category for paraplegics; the 5.5 km, 8 km and 10 km<br />

races; the humanitarian race; and the children’s race. In addition, several<br />

thousand hiking enthusiasts will embark on the traditional Three Hearts<br />

Expedition across the picturesque vineyard hills of the Radgona-Kapela<br />

winegrowing district, which takes place for the twentieth time in 2010.<br />

www.maraton-radenci.si<br />

Tek trojk (8. 5. 2010)<br />

V spomin na osvoboditev Ljubljane 9. maja 1945 se pohodniki in tekači<br />

z vseh koncev Slovenije podajo po Poti spominov in tovarištva. Tekači se<br />

na 12- ali 28-kilometrski progi pomerijo v tradicionalnem Teku trojk, ki za<br />

udeležence predstavlja prav posebno doživetje. Tekači, ki tvorijo trojko,<br />

morajo skupaj priteči v cilj, mnogokrat se trojice primejo za roke ali pa<br />

se med seboj celo povežejo s pasovi. Tek trojk velja za posebneža celo v<br />

svetu, saj prestavlja simbol tovarištva in medsebojnega sodelovanja.<br />

www.pohod.si<br />

Troika Race (8 May 2010)<br />

To celebrate the anniversary of the liberation of Ljubljana on 9 May<br />

1945, every year hikers and runners from all corners of Slovenia<br />

set out down the “memory and comradeship lane”, Pot spominov<br />

in tovarištva. Runners compete on the 12 km or the 28 km route in<br />

the traditional Troika Race, a special experience for all participants.<br />

A team of three runners making up a “troika” must reach the finish<br />

line together; members of a team are often seen holding hands while<br />

some use belts to tie the team together. The embodiment of solidarity<br />

and mutual cooperation, Troika Race is regarded as a highly atypical<br />

competition not only in Slovenia, but everywhere in the world.<br />

www.pohod.si<br />

Primož Gider<br />

Primož Gider<br />

10. Mali kraški maraton (21. 3. 2010)<br />

Med ljubitelji teka izjemno priljubljen Mali kraški maraton si je v desetih<br />

letih prislužil naziv prve večje tekaške prireditve v tekočem letu.<br />

Neustavljivi čar spomladanske kraške pokrajine v Sežano privabi tisoče<br />

tekačev, ki svojo zimsko kondicijo preverijo na 21- in 8-kilometrski progi,<br />

otroci pa na Ciciteku. Tisti brez tekmovalnih ambicij, željni le tople in<br />

dišeče mediteranske klime, si dan lahko popestrijo s pohodom ali pa s<br />

spodbujanjem tekmovalcev ob tekmovalni progi.<br />

www.sport-sezana.com<br />

10th Karst Half Marathon (21 March 2010)<br />

In the ten years since its inception, the highly popular Karst Half<br />

Marathon has earned the title of the first major race event in the<br />

calendar year. The irresistible allure of the Karst landscape in the<br />

spring brings thousands of runners to Sežana, eager to test their<br />

fitness after winter months on the 21 km and 8 km routes while<br />

children compete in the junior race, “Cicitek”. Those more leisurely<br />

inclined who merely wish to take it easy while filling their lungs with<br />

mild, fragrant Mediterranean air, are more than welcome to join in the<br />

fun cheering on runners along the track or take a relaxing walk.<br />

www.sport-sezana.com<br />

Arhiv Timing Ljubljana<br />

Miha Grgič Jelen<br />

Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine<br />

Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine

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