SalonSlovenija_zdruzeno_ZA TISK_01.indd

SalonSlovenija_zdruzeno_ZA TISK_01.indd

SalonSlovenija_zdruzeno_ZA TISK_01.indd


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56 Modni portet | Fashion portrait<br />

57<br />

Modnemu oblikovalcu, ki že več kot desetletje prefinjeno<br />

sooblikuje slovenski modni prostor, forma sama skorajda<br />

ne pomeni nič, ravno obratno – inspiracijo za ustvarjanje<br />

črpa iz filozofije predmetov. To je zanj vodilo, ki ga pripelje<br />

do stvaritve tudi 50 različnih kosov oblačil v istem duhu, z<br />

isto zgodbo. Rad ima samoto, rad se umakne iz Ljubljane,<br />

iz Slovenije, da se nato še z večjim veseljem vrne nazaj.<br />

Mirnost, jasno izražena izbranost besed ter pogled, ki<br />

si dovoli sanjati tudi ob belem dnevu, kreirajo modne<br />

mojstrovine. Njegovi spretni prsti ustvarjajo oblikovanje,<br />

ki je prepoznavno brez podpisa, inspirirano z besedo,<br />

čustvi, glasbo.<br />

Pogled v njegove kreacije in kolekcije nam prikaže<br />

izčiščenost forme, odsotnost barv. Preplet sofisticiranosti<br />

in navideznega asketizma se ne kaže samo skozi čiste<br />

oblike, temveč ga poudari z vso »mavrico« črnine.<br />

»Za črno se ne skrivamo, s črno se odkrivamo,« pravi<br />

Garevski. Moraš biti zelo samozavesten, da nosiš črno in<br />

seveda še bolj samozavesten, da si upaš ustvarjati samo<br />

v njej. Črna s svojimi odtenki, v kateri Garevski pretežno<br />

ustvarja, se ga je prijela kot etiketa – ampak to dobitnika<br />

Trendove nagrade, slovenske nagrade za modno in<br />

vizualno ustvarjalnost, ter nagrajenca prvega slovenskega<br />

tedna mode, nič ne moti in se še bolj spretno sprehaja<br />

med vsemi klišeji. Garevski, ki je že med študijem na<br />

Naravoslovnotehniški fakulteti v Ljubljani oblikoval<br />

za znano blagovno znamko Vodeb, se nato pridružil<br />

oblikovalskim somišljenikom pod imenom V.O.O.D.O.O.<br />

ter kasneje še kreativnemu timu oblikovalcev Squat, se<br />

je leta 2002 odločil ustanoviti lastno blagovno znamko<br />

– Garevski. Zadnji dve leti črpa navdih iz bogate tradicije<br />

šiviljskih in krojaških delavnic kot glavni oblikovalec za<br />

Rašico R exclusive, jim odvzame nepotreben balast in jih<br />

postavi ob bok aristokratskemu modernemu minimalizmu.<br />

The fashion designer, whose sophisticated style has been<br />

exercising a profound influence on the Slovenian fashion<br />

scene for over ten years, is quite oblivious to form as such<br />

– in fact, just the opposite is true: it is the object that is the<br />

source of his creative inspiration, leading him to design<br />

50 different items of clothing – expressions of the same<br />

spirit, variations on a theme. He relishes solitude, loves<br />

to remove himself from Ljubljana, from Slovenia, only<br />

to return with even greater fervour and passion. Calm,<br />

carefully selected words and the eyes that dare to dream<br />

in broad daylight are the creators of design masterpieces.<br />

The designs taking shape under his deft fingers exude his<br />

signature without his having to sign his name, inspired by<br />

a word, emotion, music.<br />

His creations could be described as perfection in form,<br />

absence of colour. The interplay of elegance and seeming<br />

asceticism expressed through smooth contours and<br />

clean lines is further accentuated by the entire<br />

spectrum of black.<br />

‘Black does not hide us; rather, it exposes us,’ claims<br />

Garevski. It takes a great deal of self-confidence to<br />

wear black, and even more to have the boldness to<br />

create only in black. Black in all its shades and tones is<br />

Garevski’s trademark. Recipient of the Trend award for<br />

fashion and visual creativity, and voted Best Designer<br />

at the first Slovenian fashion week, however, remains<br />

unperturbed, and if anything, has become even more<br />

adroit at negotiating his way among all the clichés. Having<br />

designed the prominent label Vodeb during his student<br />

years at the Faculty of Natural Sciences in Ljubljana,<br />

Garevski next joined forces with fellow designers at<br />

V.O.O.D.O.O., and later with creative team Squat. In<br />

2002, he decided to launch his own label, Garevski. For<br />

the past two years he has been drawing inspiration from<br />

a rich tradition of dressmaker’s and tailor’s workshops as<br />

chief designer for Rašica R exclusive, stripping designs of<br />

superfluous ballast and giving them the aristocratic look<br />

of modern minimalism.<br />

Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine

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