SalonSlovenija_zdruzeno_ZA TISK_01.indd

SalonSlovenija_zdruzeno_ZA TISK_01.indd

SalonSlovenija_zdruzeno_ZA TISK_01.indd


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Zeliščar Milan Kalan.<br />

Herbalist Milan Kalan.<br />

Gospod Kalan nadaljuje o tem, kako je potekala priprava zemlje<br />

na novo kulturo, kako sta z ženo preverjala, kaj je na tem<br />

področju raslo pred letom, petimi, desetimi leti. Trava. Nihče<br />

je ni ne gnojil ne zastrupljal s pesticidi. Dodobra sta preučila<br />

postopke priprave zelišč. Sušilnice, ki bi posušila zelišča, kot<br />

sta sama hotela, nista uspela dobiti. Zato jo je Milan izdelal sam.<br />

Pripravila sta vse potrebno in »ročna proizvodnja« se je začela.<br />

Vsako bilko sta utrgala ročno. Na začetku sta bila sama, potem<br />

pa so jima na pomoč priskočili tudi domačini. Sedaj tu odlično<br />

uspevajo ameriški slamnik, artičoka, izop, pegasti badelj,<br />

poprova meta, šentjanževka … Predolgo je naštevati vsa zelišča,<br />

ki jih pridelujejo in predelajo v čaje, tinkture ali olja.<br />

Do plantaže vodi kolovoz. Resnično nikjer ni videti nič drugega<br />

kot le zelišča in tam na robu nekaj samorodne trte. Plantaža,<br />

ali bolje, kos posebnega polja, pa me navduši. Sonce ima tukaj<br />

velik pomen, vendar le za rast, ne pa za sušenje. Zelišča se<br />

morajo posušiti v sušilnici.<br />

Vikica in Milan Kalan živita za in z vsakim cvetom! Ko Milana<br />

vprašam, kje dobi gnojilo, se le nasmehne: »Kako pa so živeli<br />

ljudje v davnini Kolobarimo na tem majhnem prostoru, torej<br />

rastline preseljujemo. Ko odcvetijo, jih za prihodnje leto<br />

podkopljemo, rastlina sama poskrbi zase in naslednje leto<br />

zopet podari obilno žetev. Nobenega škropiva, nobenega<br />

gnojila. Včasih je kmet preživel brez traktorja, brez gnojil,<br />

brez avtomobilov, z enim hektarjem zemlje … in ni bilo teka<br />

za bogastvom. Danes ima kmet najmanj deset hektarov, dva<br />

avtomobila, vso kmetijsko mehanizacijo, hodi na sejme, gleda<br />

televizijo, bere o napredku, gnoji, zastruplja svojo zemljo s<br />

pesticidi, pa vendar nima več denarja, še manj časa. Bogastva<br />

tudi včasih ni bilo, bilo pa je zdravje in neprimerno več<br />

družinskega razumevanja. Sedaj bi radi pripomogli k dobremu<br />

počutju in zdravju, saj drugega ne moremo zagotavljati. Poglejte,<br />

rožice me še danes čakajo, da jih naberem in odpeljem na<br />

»obiranje« in sušenje.« Razumela sem, da je čas, da zapustim<br />

tale zlati košček slovenske zemlje in da zaželim Vikici in Milanu<br />

Kalanu še veliko uspeha in dobro letino.<br />

Na poljih Zeliščne kmetije Kalan v Kalobju ekološko<br />

pridelujejo okoli 50 vrst zdravilnih rastlin. V zimskih<br />

mesecih organizirajo delavnice pridelave, uporabe, priprave<br />

in prodaje zelišč. V poletnih mesecih pa je možno ob<br />

predhodni najavi kmetijo tudi obiskati in si ogledati zeliščni<br />

vrt s 140 različnimi vrstami, razstavo suhih zelišč, sušilnico<br />

in eno od polj, degustirati zeliščni čaj in zeliščni namaz.<br />

Za vsakršna vprašanja v zvezi z zelišči je na voljo<br />

telefonska številka 041 311 884<br />

ali elektronski naslov zelisca@siol.net.<br />

Organic herb farm Kalan at Kalobje grows<br />

approximately 50 different types of medicinal<br />

herbs. In winter they also hold workshops on herb<br />

growing, processing, selling and use. All visits are by<br />

appointment only. In summer you can take a tour of<br />

the garden featuring 140 different herbs, a dry herbs<br />

exhibit, the drying plant and one of the fields, take a sip<br />

of herbal tea and sample homemade herbal spreads.<br />

For all herb-related information please<br />

phone 041 311 884 or send<br />

an email with your questions to zelisca@siol.net<br />

Mr Kalan goes on to tell me about preparing the soil for the new<br />

culture and the research he and Vikica had done into the crops<br />

grown there one, five, ten years ago. Grass. Nobody had fertilised<br />

it or poisoned it with pesticides. They studied in great detail the<br />

steps and methods involved in herb processing. Unable to find<br />

a herb drying plant that would meet their specifications, Milan<br />

eventually built one himself. Eventually they had got everything they<br />

needed and “production” got underway. Every plant was picked by<br />

hand. At first it was just the two of them; later on, locals pitched in<br />

as well. Today, their plantation is thick with echinacea, artichoke,<br />

hyssop, milk thistle, peppermint, St John’s wort… it would take<br />

far too long to name all the herbs grown and processed into teas,<br />

tinctures or oils.<br />

A country lane leads to the plantation. There is nothing there<br />

but herbs and, along the edge, some self-sown vine. The herb<br />

plantation, however, is simply delightful. Sun is very important,<br />

however only for growth, not for drying. Herbs must be dried<br />

in a drying plant.<br />

Vikica in Milan Kalan live for and with every blossom! When I<br />

enquire about fertiliser, Milan just smiles at me. ‘How do you think<br />

people lived in the olden days We rotate crops in this tiny area,<br />

meaning we relocate plants. Every year, once they have bloomed,<br />

we sap them. The plant looks after itself and, come next year, once<br />

again yields an abundant harvest. No spraying, no fertiliser. In the<br />

olden times a farmer made do without a tractor, without fertiliser,<br />

without a car, tilling a single hectare of land…there was no chasing<br />

riches either. Nowadays a farmer has a minimum of ten hectares,<br />

two cars, all available farm machinery, he goes to fairs, watches<br />

TV, reads about progress, fertilises and poisons his land with<br />

pesticides, and yet has no more money to show for it, and even less<br />

time than before. In the past people weren’t rich either, but they<br />

were healthier and there was a great deal more family harmony.<br />

What we are trying to do here is promote health and well-being,<br />

which is just about all we can do anyway. Look, the flowers are<br />

waiting for me to come and harvest them and then take them to be<br />

picked and dried.’ I take that as my cue to leave this golden patch<br />

of the Slovenian soil and to wish Vikica and Milan Kalan all the best<br />

and a good harvest.<br />

Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine

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