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96<br />

Pogled naprej | Looking ahead<br />

Bill Clinton na obisku v Sloveniji<br />


Foto/Photo: Arhiv Archive Diners Club SLO<br />

Na povabilo Diners Cluba Slovenija in predsednika Ameriške<br />

gospodarske zbornice v Sloveniji je oktobra 2009 Ljubljano obiskal<br />

William Jefferson Clinton, nekdanji predsednik Združenih držav<br />

Amerike, ustanovitelj The Clinton Foundation, katere naloga je<br />

soočanje prebivalcev sveta z izzivi globalne medodvisnosti. 1400<br />

obiskovalcev Gallusove dvorane Cankarjevega doma je navdušil<br />

s predavanjem, ki je, upajmo, marsikoga spodbudilo, da po svojih<br />

močeh pomaga svetu pri iskanju izhodov iz vsesplošne krize.<br />

Bill Clinton, izjemen govornik in karizmatičen voditelj, je izbranemu<br />

občinstvu predaval o pomembnosti sprejemanja skupne<br />

odgovornosti za človeštvo. Povedal je, da živimo v svetu in času<br />

soodvisnosti. Soodvisnost je zanj le drugi izraz za globalizacijo<br />

in pomeni, da smo vsi soodvisni, tako v odgovornostih kot tudi v<br />

pravicah. V modernem svetu po njegovem mnenju obstajajo tri<br />

glavne težave. Svet je nestabilen, neenakopraven in netrajnostno<br />

naravnan. To vpliva na vse nas, zato moramo na vseh ravneh stopiti<br />

skupaj. Vlade, zasebni sektor in nevladne organizacije morajo<br />

razumeti, kaj lahko naredijo za boljši danes in jutri. Upanje za<br />

marsikatero težavo vidi Clinton v nevladnih organizacijah, ki lahko<br />

delujejo hitreje in bolj učinkovito od vlade.<br />

Dobro uro trajajoče predavanje nekdanjega predsednika ZDA je<br />

bilo polno poučnih resničnih zgodb in dobrih primerov iz prakse,<br />

kako je mogoče stvari spremeniti na bolje in kako so številni<br />

posamezniki in organizacije po svetu že sprejeli odgovornost<br />

ter delujejo za višje dobro.<br />

Po predavanju je sledil tradicionalni dobrodelni sprejem ‘V družbi<br />

slavnih’, ki ga Diners Club vsako leto organizira za imetnike kartice<br />

Diners Club Exclusive, z dražbo Clintonovih osebnih predmetov.<br />

Izkupiček je bil v celoti porabljen za organizacijo božično-novoletnih<br />

počitnic za otroke ogroženih družin iz vse Slovenije.<br />

At the invitation of Diners Club Slovenia and the Chairman of the American<br />

Chamber of Commerce in Slovenia , William Jefferson Clinton, former<br />

president of the United States of America and founder of The Clinton<br />

Foundation, whose mission is to strengthen the capacity of people throughout<br />

the world to meet the challenges of global interdependence, visited Ljubljana in<br />

October 2009. The crowd of 1,400, which packed the Gallus Hall at Cankajev<br />

dom to capacity, gave Mr. Clinton a standing ovation. Hopefully, Mr. Clinton’s<br />

lecture will inspire people to join in the efforts designed to find solutions that<br />

would lead the world out of the present global crisis.<br />

In his speech Bill Clinton, an exceptional orator and charismatic leader,<br />

focused on the importance of taking collective responsibility for mankind. We<br />

live in a world and times of interdependence. To Mr Clinton, interdependence<br />

is just another word for globalisation meaning that everybody depends on<br />

everybody else, both in terms of rights as well as responsibilities. In his<br />

opinion, there are three main problems in the world today: instability, inequality<br />

and non-sustainability. This affects every one of us, which means that we<br />

have to start working together at all levels. Governments, the private sector<br />

and NGOs must begin to recognize what they can do for a better today<br />

and tomorrow. Clinton sees hope for many a problem in non-government<br />

organisations as they have the ability to move more swiftly and operate more<br />

efficiently than governments.<br />

The lecture by the former US president, which went on for just over an hour,<br />

was filled with instructive stories from real life and examples of good practice<br />

designed to illustrate how things could be changed for the better and how<br />

numerous individuals and organisations worldwide have already taken<br />

responsibility and are now dedicating their efforts towards the higher good.<br />

The talk was followed by the traditional annual Diners Club charity fundraiser<br />

for Diners Club Exclusive cardholders, which culminated in an auction of Mr.<br />

Clinton’s personal effects. All proceeds went towards the organisation of a<br />

Christmas/New Year holiday for children from disadvantaged families from all<br />

over Slovenia.<br />

Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine

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