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68<br />

Portret | Portrait<br />

69<br />

tudi ne posega v njihove osebne<br />

odločitve.<br />

Letno se v Vivu zvrsti blizu 100<br />

sodelavcev. Za večino sodelavcev<br />

je delo v Vivo cateringu učna doba,<br />

pridobivanje znanja, ki pomeni trdo<br />

delo, a dragoceno izkušnjo. Jerneja je<br />

ponosna na vsakogar, ki uspe, ko gre<br />

naprej po svoji poti. Pravi, da to celo<br />

pričakuje od njih, saj sicer ne bi izpolnjevala poslanstva, ki ga<br />

Vivo prevzema kot mentor pri izobraževanju ali štipendiranju<br />

– tako na stopnji srednjih kot višjih šol. Med sodelavci ostajajo<br />

stalni stebri le tisti, ki se znotraj podjetja tudi sami lahko<br />

razvijajo in tako postanejo temelj za razvoj podjetja.<br />

Delo projektnega cateringa je timsko delo. Potrebno je<br />

nenehno spreminjanje, pa čeprav na enakih osnovah. Vedno<br />

so pomembni kvalitetna sestavina, zanesljivi dobavitelji,<br />

zmožnost sledenja – če je le mogoče – slovenskega izvora. V<br />

Vivu pa vedno znova iščejo tudi drugačne koncepte – lahko<br />

jim botruje zgolj nov letni čas ali pa večja, pomembnejša<br />

prireditev, ki prinaša nov izziv. Koncept pomeni tudi celostno<br />

podobo – prte, dekoracije, porcelan, uniforme. Poleg vsebine<br />

je pomemben način, oblika, embalaža. S tem so prinesli<br />

svežino in novosti v slovenski prostor in postali prepoznavni.<br />

Seveda pa potrebujejo za uspešno delo tudi posluh naročnika.<br />

Pogostitev lahko dvigne ugled izvajalca in gostitelja ali celo<br />

države, ob napačni presoji pa lahko ugled tudi poruši. Šele po<br />

zaključku se ve, ali je prireditev uspela ali ne. Ne le priprava<br />

hrane, potrebno je poznati vsa pravila protokola, se vživeti<br />

v gosta, prepoznati njegovo jedro okusa. Vivo catering je<br />

snovalec kulinarične predstave, na koncu pa predstavo<br />

tudi izvede, zato vse deluje usklajeno. Potrebno pa je veliko<br />

samokritičnosti in zavedanja, kaj je z danim znanjem in<br />

okoliščinami mogoče ponuditi na res najvišjem nivoju.<br />

S tem, kar ponudiš gostu na mizo, pokažeš, kdo si, je<br />

prepričana Jerneja Kamnikar. Našla je svojo smer in hodi<br />

svojo pot. Ljudje ji sledijo, kot vedno radi sledijo trdnim<br />

in uspešnim. Tako uspeva uresničevati še eno od svojih<br />

poslanstev – pridobljeno znanje predaja naprej in s svojo vizijo<br />

postaja del tukajšnje tradicije.<br />

Foto/Photo: Katarina Krmelj<br />

the public, she never interferes with their<br />

personal decisions either.<br />

Roughly one hundred associates pass<br />

through Vivo every year. For most of<br />

them working at Vivo catering is a sort of<br />

apprenticeship, a strenuous, challenging<br />

experience gathering exercise. Jerneja<br />

is proud of everybody who succeeds<br />

continuing down his or her own path. She<br />

says she expects nothing less of them, or Vivo would be failing them in<br />

the mission and role of scholarship provider and mentor in professional<br />

development, both at the secondary and tertiary levels of education.<br />

The only permanent associates are the ones that find room for selfdevelopment<br />

within the framework of company, providing the basis of<br />

its evolution.<br />

Project catering is teamwork, pure and simple. It requires continuous<br />

change even though the paradigm remains the same. Quality<br />

ingredients, dependable suppliers, traceability to the – wherever<br />

possible – Slovenian source. Vivo, however, is on a never-ending quest<br />

for original concepts, whether sparked by the advent of a new season<br />

or a major event as a new challenge. Such a concept always includes a<br />

matching image and accessories – tablecloths, decorations, porcelain,<br />

uniforms. The packaging is just as important as the contents. The<br />

introduction of this novel, original approach into the Slovenian realm<br />

immediately set Vivo apart from the competition.<br />

Nevertheless, their success also depends on the client’s ability to<br />

appreciate their work. Just as a well-designed feast can improve the<br />

standing of the organiser or host or even country, a lapse in judgement<br />

can just as easily destroy it. It is not until the end that it becomes clear<br />

whether an event was a success or failure. This goes far beyond mere<br />

preparation of food; every aspect and nuance of the protocol must be<br />

observed, the guest studied in every particular down to the essence<br />

of his being, so that his tastes and preferences can be accurately<br />

identified. Vivo catering is both the designer and producer of the<br />

culinary show, and this ensures a smooth, seamless flow of events.<br />

On the other hand, however, it requires a great deal of self-criticism<br />

and awareness of what can be offered at the top level in the given<br />

circumstances and with the available expertise.<br />

What you offer at the table to your guest reveals who you are, believes<br />

Jerneja Kamnikar. Having found her bearings, she is walking her<br />

own path. People follow her just as they always tend to follow the<br />

determined and the successful. In this way, she is fulfilling another<br />

aspect of her mission: passing on her expertise and becoming an<br />

integral part of the customs and tradition of these parts.<br />

Ob Svetovnem dnevu turizma<br />

Slovenska turistična organizacija<br />

vsako leto podeljuje priznanja<br />

za Naj menedžerko in Naj<br />

menedžerja v turizmu. Za leto<br />

2009 sta to priznanje prejela<br />

Jerneja Kamnikar, direktorica<br />

Vivo cateringa, in Andrej Klasinc,<br />

direktor Term Ptuj.<br />

Every year on World Tourism Day,<br />

the Slovenian Tourism Board<br />

presents the Best Manager in<br />

Tourism Awards in both Men’s and<br />

Women’s categories. The 2009<br />

awards went to Jerneja Kamnikar,<br />

Managing Director of Vivo<br />

catering, and her male counterpart<br />

at Terme Ptuj, Andrej Klasinc.<br />

Vivo catering s sodobnimi načeli<br />

ima v svojih vrstah andragoginjo<br />

za izobraževanje, reševanje<br />

težav kadrov in socializacijo<br />

vsakega posameznika v podjetju.<br />

Pomemben je vsak člen v<br />

verigi, ki lahko popusti pod<br />

težo morebitnih osebnih težav.<br />

Mladi ljudje iz vse Slovenije, ki<br />

prihajajo po znanje in izkušnje,<br />

so še posebej občutljivi v novih<br />

situacijah in potrebujejo pomoč<br />

in oporo.<br />

A step ahead of times, Vivo<br />

catering employs an andragogy<br />

expert to look after staff training,<br />

deal with personal problems<br />

of the employees and facilitate<br />

the social integration of every<br />

individual in the company. Every<br />

link in the chain, which might fold<br />

under the pressure of personal<br />

problems, counts. Young people<br />

from all corners of Slovenia,<br />

who come to Vivo for knowledge<br />

and experience, are particularly<br />

vulnerable in unfamiliar situations,<br />

and need help and support.<br />

Deepak Chopra, duhovni učitelj,<br />

v knjigi Sedem duhovnih zakonov<br />

življenja pravi: »To si, kar je<br />

globoka želja, ki te žene; želja te<br />

pelje v vero; vera te pelje v dejanja;<br />

in dejanja so usoda.« Ta stavek<br />

spremlja Jernejo Kamnikar vse od<br />

začetkov njene podjetniške poti.<br />

To quote from The Seven Spiritual<br />

Laws of Success by spiritual<br />

teacher Deepak Chopra: “What<br />

you are, is the deep desire that<br />

drives you; desire leads you to<br />

faith; faith leads you to actions;<br />

and actions are fate.” This has<br />

been Jerneja Kamnikar’s motto<br />

ever since she set out on her<br />

business path.<br />

Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine

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