SalonSlovenija_zdruzeno_ZA TISK_01.indd

SalonSlovenija_zdruzeno_ZA TISK_01.indd

SalonSlovenija_zdruzeno_ZA TISK_01.indd


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72<br />

73<br />

Aljoša Videtič<br />

Grega Šajn<br />

Fotografira že od zgodnjih najstniških let. Že njegov<br />

mentor ga je začutil kot potencial in mu je posvetil<br />

ogromno časa. Prve nagrade so prišle kot potrditev<br />

in fotografijo je začel jemati zares. Prvo poroko je<br />

fotografiral po takratnih pravilih o poziranju, z obilico<br />

statične fotografije. Z leti izkušenj in dobrih odzivov<br />

naročnikov je dobesedno dobil krila. Rad se igra s<br />

trenutki, ki so neponovljivi, vendar ta igra v sebi skriva<br />

ogromno znanja. Situacije se nenehno spreminjajo,<br />

potrebna je zbranost, trenutkov ni mogoče ponavljati. V<br />

Sloveniji ga je najbolj prevzelo okolje Kekčeve domačije,<br />

kamor ga je prijatelj Grega (Šajn) povabil kot fotografa<br />

svojega poročnega dne. Sicer pa je prepričan, da je<br />

lahko vsako okolje odlično, če je energija prava. Zadnji<br />

dve leti je fotografiral kar nekaj porok v tujini, v Italiji in<br />

na Portugalskem. Ne more pozabiti letošnje poroke na<br />

Azorih, otočju sredi Atlantika, kjer je s parom iz Kanade<br />

po letu dni pisanja mailov preživel nepozaben teden,<br />

sprejeli so ga kot člana družine. Veseli se vsakega<br />

povabila, potovanj in spoznavanja novih čudovitih ljudi in<br />

najbolj nenavadnih krajev sveta.<br />

Fotografija ga spremlja že vse življenje, saj je<br />

bil njegov oče mojster fotografije, po dolgih letih<br />

hobija pa je tudi njemu postala poslovni izziv. Pri<br />

poročni fotografiji uživa, ker ima enostavno rad<br />

ljudi. Fascinira ga neponovljivost dogodka in s tem<br />

odgovornost do trenutkov, ki jih je potrebno ujeti.<br />

Vsa emotivnost trenutka se prenaša na fotografa –<br />

pomembno je, da par ob gledanju fotografij podoživi<br />

čustva poročnega dne. Vsaka poroka mu predstavlja<br />

nov izziv: kot fotograf mora začutiti karakter ter<br />

odnos para in to prikazati na fotografiji. Njegove<br />

najljubše lokacije poročne fotografije so stara<br />

mestna jedra, ki nudijo igriva ozadja ter kontrast<br />

med poročnim parom in vsakdanjim življenjem,<br />

v Sloveniji na primer Ljubljana in Piran. Vedno je<br />

navdušen nad zaljubljenimi pari, ki ne pozabijo, da<br />

je bistvo poročnega dne prav v njih samih in uživajo<br />

drug z drugim. Sam se vedno čustveno vplete v<br />

poroko, ker tako bolje dela. Prav tako se veseli<br />

naročnikov, ki mu popolnoma zaupajo in dopuščajo<br />

vso fotografsko svobodo.<br />

Aljoša has been taking photographs since<br />

he was a teenager. His mentor noticed<br />

his potential and devoted untold hours to<br />

the budding talent. Confirmation arrived<br />

in the form of awards Aljoša received for<br />

his photographs, and eventually the young<br />

amateur started taking photography seriously.<br />

He photographed his first wedding in the<br />

traditional style that was in vogue at the time,<br />

featuring a preponderance of static shots.<br />

Years of experience and satisfied clients<br />

literally gave him wings. He loves to play with<br />

unique, special moments, however that “play”<br />

requires a great deal of proficiency. Things are<br />

in a constant flux and one needs to be really<br />

focused, as scenes cannot be recreated. In<br />

Slovenia, the setting that impressed him most<br />

was that of the homestead Kekčeva domačija,<br />

where he was summoned to photograph the<br />

wedding of his friend and colleague Grega<br />

Šajn. Otherwise he believes that any setting<br />

can be great if the energy is right. Over the<br />

past couple of years he has photographed<br />

quite a few weddings abroad, in Italy and<br />

Portugal. A wedding that is particularly firmly<br />

etched on his memory took place earlier this<br />

year in Azore Islands, where after a year of<br />

exchanging emails he spent an unforgettable<br />

week with a couple from Canada who treated<br />

him like a member of the family. He looks<br />

forward to every assignment, every trip and<br />

loves meeting new wonderful people in the<br />

most extraordinary places all over the globe.<br />

Photography has always been a part of<br />

Grega’s life, as his father was a master<br />

photographer. After many years of treating<br />

photography as a hobby, however, Grega<br />

too started regarding it as a professional<br />

challenge. He loves wedding photography<br />

because he simply loves people. He is<br />

fascinated by the uniqueness of the event<br />

and the responsibility to capture key<br />

moments on camera. The entire emotional<br />

charge of a scene is channelled through the<br />

photographer: when looking at the photos,<br />

the couple should relive the emotions of their<br />

wedding day. Every wedding poses a new<br />

challenge; as a photographer he should sense<br />

and capture the character and the relationship<br />

of the couple in the photograph. His favourite<br />

locations for wedding photography are<br />

old town centres that provide picturesque<br />

backdrops and contrasts between the<br />

wedding couple and everyday life, in Slovenia<br />

typically Ljubljana and Piran. He is always<br />

enthralled by lovebirds who are aware that<br />

they themselves are the heart and soul of the<br />

wedding day, and truly enjoy one another.<br />

He himself always gets emotionally involved<br />

as well, as he works better that way. In<br />

particular, he enjoys working for clients who<br />

trust him unconditionally, allowing him to give<br />

free reign to his artistic expression.<br />

Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine

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