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SalonSlovenija_zdruzeno_ZA TISK_01.indd

SalonSlovenija_zdruzeno_ZA TISK_01.indd


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52<br />

Legenda | A legend<br />

53<br />

Rodil se je 22. decembra leta 1892 v Pulju v Istri (takratni<br />

Avstro-Ogrski, današnji Hrvaški). Oče, mornariški štabni častnik<br />

v avstro-ogrski mornarici, je umrl, ko je bilo Hermanu komaj 2<br />

leti. Takrat se je njegova mati z otroki preselila najprej v domače<br />

Vitanje na Štajersko in nato v Maribor, kjer je Herman preživel<br />

večji del otroštva. Sledila je vojaška tehniška akademija v<br />

Mödlingu pri Dunaju. Vojskovanje na moriščih 1. svetovne vojne<br />

mu je močno načelo zdravje, zbolel je namreč za jetiko. Po vojni<br />

je na dunajski univerzi vpisal študij strojništva in elektrotehnike<br />

in se po diplomi popolnoma posvetil raketni tehnologiji ter<br />

načrtovanju prodora v vesolje. A bolezen je terjala svoj davek;<br />

Herman je umrl zaradi pljučnice, star komaj 37 let.<br />

Leta 2006 so v Vitanju na Štajerskem, kjer je Potočnik preživel nekaj otroških let, odprli spominsko središče<br />

In 2006 a memorial centre was opened in Vitanje, Styria, where Potočnik had spent some of his childhood years<br />

Malo pred smrtjo, leta 1928, je dokončal svojo edino knjigo<br />

»Problem vožnje po vesolju – raketni motor« z originalnim<br />

naslovom »Das Problem der Befahrung des Weltraums<br />

– der Raketen motor«, ki mu je zaradi vizionarskih idej in<br />

znanstvenega dela prinesla nesmrtnost. Knjiga, katero je izdal<br />

pod psevdonimom Herman Noordung, obsega 188 strani in<br />

vsebuje 100 avtorjevih ilustracij ter predstavlja eno temeljnih<br />

del pionirske astronavtike.<br />

V knjigi je Potočnik podrobno predstavil načrt prodora v<br />

vesolje vključno z geostacionarnim satelitom, vesoljskim<br />

stanovanjskim kolesom, valjastim observatorijem in sončno<br />

toplotno-mehansko-električno energetsko centralo. Poleg<br />

načrta stalno naseljene vesoljske postaje, ki je takrat med<br />

množicami veljala za znanstveno fantastiko, je obravnaval tudi<br />

obletavanja Zemlje po breztežnostni krožnici, problem bivanja<br />

v vesolju, izstrelitev, polet in vrnitev vesoljske rakete. Tako je<br />

pravilno izračunal in predvidel vse faze poleta okrog Zemlje<br />

več kot 30 let pred prvim poletom človeka v vesolje. Pravilnost<br />

Potočnikovih izračunov potrjujejo tudi besede ruskega<br />

astronavta in trojnega doktorja znanosti Jurija Baturina, ki je<br />

dejal: »Točno tako kot Potočnik opisuje polet, sem sam poletel v<br />

vesolje dvakrat.«<br />

Herman Potočnik was born on 22 December 1892 in Pulj, Istria (then<br />

Austrian-Hungarian Empire, present Croatia). His father, a naval officer<br />

in the Austrian-Hungarian navy, died when Herman was but two years<br />

old. Herman’s mother took the children first to her home village of Vitanje,<br />

Styria, and then to Maribor, where Herman spent the greater part of his<br />

childhood. His next stop was the Technical Military Academy at Mödling<br />

near Vienna. Fighting in the battlefields of World War I severely degraded<br />

his health and he was soon diagnosed with consumption. After the war<br />

he studied mechanical and electrical engineering at the Vienna university.<br />

After graduation he completely devoted himself to rocket science and<br />

pioneering work in space travel. Unfortunately, his poor health took its toll<br />

and Herman died of pneumonia at 37.<br />

Shortly before his death, in 1928 he outlined his visionary ideas and<br />

backed them up by science in his only book, “The Problem of Space<br />

Travel – The Rocket Motor” (originally published under the pseudonym<br />

Herman Noordung under the title “Das Problem der Befahrung<br />

des Weltraums – der Raketen Motor”), which basically ensured his<br />

immortality. The 188-page book, which features 100 illustrations<br />

by the author, is considered one of the fundamental works<br />

in early astronautics.<br />

In the book Potočnik outlined a detailed plan of setting out into space<br />

complete with geostationary satellite, space residential module,<br />

cylindrical observatory, and solar thermal-mechanical-electrical power<br />

station. In addition to proposing the design for a permanently manned<br />

space station, which the masses at the time regarded as pure science<br />

fiction, he also addressed weightless travel in orbit around the Earth,<br />

the problem of residing in space as well as the launch, travel and<br />

return to Earth of a space rocket. He produced exact calculations and<br />

flawlessly envisaged all stages of a flight around the Earth more than<br />

30 years ahead of man’s first voyage into space. The accuracy of<br />

Potočnik’s calculations has also been confirmed by Russian astronaut<br />

and triple PhD Yuri Baturin, who has stated, “I have flown into space<br />

twice myself exactly as described by Potočnik.”<br />

Izjemnost Potočnikovega dela in<br />

njegov vpliv na razvoj astronavtike<br />

Njegova knjiga je ena izmed<br />

osnovnih referenc doktorata<br />

nemškega pionirja astronavtike<br />

Werneherja von Brauna iz leta<br />

1934. Von Braun je bil kasneje<br />

ključna oseba razvoja nemške<br />

raketne tehnologije pred in med<br />

drugo svetovno vojno ter glavni<br />

kreator prvih ameriških korakov<br />

pri osvajanju vesolja. Von Braun,<br />

ki je leta 1958 tudi vodil izstrelitev<br />

prvega umetnega (ameriškega)<br />

satelita, je o knjigi zapisal, da je<br />

bila »učbenik graditeljem vesoljskih<br />

vozil« in »prelomnica v svetovni<br />

vesoljski raketni tehniki«. Potočnika<br />

je hkrati uvrstil »med pionirje, ki so<br />

prispevali levji delež k realizaciji<br />

vesoljskega programa«.<br />

Potočnikovi načrti so bili tudi navdih pri<br />

oblikovanju številnih konceptov vesoljskih<br />

postaj, predvsem v petdesetih in<br />

šestdesetih letih. Med njimi tudi ene izmed<br />

ikon znanstvene fantastike filma Odiseja<br />

2001 (2001: A Space Odyssey) iz leta<br />

1968, režiserja Stanleya Kubricka, po<br />

scenariju Kubricka in Arthurja C. Clarkea.<br />

Potočnik’s models also proved a source<br />

of inspiration to numerous space station<br />

conceptual designs, in particular in the<br />

1950s and 1960s, including the one used<br />

in the legendary Sci-Fi film, 2001: A Space<br />

Odyssey from 1968 directed by Stanley<br />

Kubric and written by Kubric and<br />

Arthur C. Clarke.<br />

The uniqueness of Potočnik’s work<br />

and his impact on the development<br />

of astronautics<br />

His book is quoted as a basic<br />

reference in the 1934 PhD thesis of<br />

the German pioneer in astronautics,<br />

Wernher von Braun. Later on,<br />

Von Braun played a crucial role in<br />

the development of the German<br />

rocket technology before and<br />

during World War II, and was the<br />

principal creator of the first US<br />

steps towards conquering space.<br />

Von Braun, who was in charge of<br />

the launch of the first manmade<br />

(US) satellite in 1958, described<br />

Potočnik’s work as “a textbook<br />

for the builders of space vehicles”<br />

and “a milestone in the world<br />

space rocket science”. He counted<br />

Potočnik “among the pioneers who<br />

have contributed a lion’s share<br />

towards the realisation of the<br />

space programme.”<br />

Legendarni pisatelj znanstvene fantastike<br />

Arthur C. Clarke, ki je leta 1945 prvi<br />

predlagal uporabo geostacionarnih<br />

satelitov za komunikacijske namene, je<br />

prav tako potrdil, da je prve inženirske<br />

načrte vesoljske postaje na breztežnostni<br />

krožnici izdelal prav Potočnik.<br />

Legendary science fiction writer Arthur<br />

C. Clarke, who was the first to propose<br />

the use of geostationary satellites for<br />

communication purposes in 1950, likewise<br />

confirmed that it was Potočnik who had<br />

produced the first orbiting space station<br />

engineering designs.<br />

To je samo nekaj navedb, ki opisujejo delo in dosežke tega dolgo<br />

prezrtega moža iz zgodovine znanosti, po katerem so poimenovali<br />

tudi enega izmed asteroidov. Žal ni uspela pobuda, da bi po njem<br />

poimenovali mednarodno vesoljsko postajo. S prevodom svoje knjige v<br />

angleščino, s strani ameriške vesoljske agencije NASA, leta 1995, pa je<br />

dobil tudi zaslužen poklon s strani mednarodne javnosti. Leta 2006 so v<br />

Vitanju na Štajerskem, kjer je Potočnik preživel nekaj otroških let, odprli<br />

spominsko središče.<br />

These are just a few examples illustrating the work and achievements<br />

of the man long overlooked by the history of science, whose name also<br />

graces one of the asteroids. Unfortunately, the initiative for a space<br />

station to be named after Potočnik, did not succeed. By translating<br />

his book into English in 1995, however, the US space agency NASA<br />

acknowledged his contribution and gave it due recognition in the<br />

international arena. In 2006 a memorial centre was opened in Vitanje,<br />

Styria, where Potočnik had spent some of his childhood years.<br />

Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine<br />

Noordungova ilustracija vesoljske postaje<br />

Noordung's illustration of a space station

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