SalonSlovenija_zdruzeno_ZA TISK_01.indd

SalonSlovenija_zdruzeno_ZA TISK_01.indd

SalonSlovenija_zdruzeno_ZA TISK_01.indd


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80<br />

Uglašeno | Harmonized<br />

81<br />


London, United Kingdom, Architects in Residence<br />


Lesena hiša zaradi izjemnih ekoloških in energijskih lastnosti, pa<br />

tudi prednosti, kot so hitra gradnja ter požarna in potresna varnost,<br />

postaja hiša prihodnosti. Življenje v naravnem in zdravem okolju ter<br />

les kot posebna vrednota predstavljata vodilo podjetja Riko hiše, ki<br />

ga uresničujejo z vsako hišo posebej. Podjetje, ki je del poslovnega<br />

sistem RIKO pod vodstvom karizmatičnega direktorja Janeza<br />

Škrabca, se že deset let posveča proizvodnji in trženju masivnih<br />

lesenih elementov in hiš ter velja za eno najperspektivnejših<br />

gospodarskih družb v svoji regiji. V kratkem času so se razvili v<br />

mednarodno uspešno podjetje, so razvojno naravnani in intenzivno<br />

sodelujejo z znanstveno-izobraževalnimi institucijami. Masivno hišo<br />

RIKO potrjujejo mnogi domači in mednarodni certifikati ter seveda<br />

uspeh na svetovnih tržiščih, kjer podjetje postaja prepoznavno<br />

kot tvorec meril za visokokakovostno ekološko gradnjo. Trudijo<br />

se dvigovati bivanjske standarde, spodbujati k novim presežkom<br />

v oblikovanju prostora ter opozarjati na vrednost ekoloških<br />

materialov, zdravega bivanja in zdrave ter okolju prijazne gradnje.<br />

Veliko vlagajo v tradicijo – tako v smislu lokalnega okolja kot v<br />

smislu obdelovanja in oblikovanja lesa.<br />

Miran Kambič<br />

Due to exceptional environmental and insulation properties as well as other<br />

advantages such as speedy construction, and fire and earthquake safety,<br />

wooden homes are increasingly regarded as the homes of the future. Living<br />

in a natural and healthy environment coupled with the traditional appeal of<br />

wood is the philosophy espoused by RIKO hiše, which is incorporated in<br />

every single home they build. For the past ten years the company operating<br />

as part of the RIKO Group under the leadership of charismatic Janez<br />

Škrabec has been specialising in the fabrication and marketing of solid<br />

wood for the purposes of the building industry, and wooden homes. Today,<br />

RIKO hiše is generally regarded as one of the most promising industrial<br />

enterprises in its region. In a short space of time the company has evolved<br />

into a successful, development oriented business in Slovenia and abroad<br />

with strong working partnerships with scientific-educational institutions. The<br />

quality of solid wood homes designed and built by RIKO can be seen in<br />

numerous certifications granted by Slovenian and international institutions,<br />

and their success in world markets where RIKO hiše has distinguished<br />

itself as a benchmark for high quality, environmentally friendly dwellings.<br />

They aspire to raise the standards of living, elevate ambient design to new<br />

heights, and draw attention to the value of eco materials, a healthy home<br />

environment, and natural, environmentally friendly construction. There is<br />

a strong focus on tradition – both in terms of locality as well as wood<br />

processing and design.<br />

Les je bil kot material zaradi svoje dostopnosti in izredno<br />

dobrih gradbenih kvalitet pomemben sooblikovalec<br />

slovenske kulturne krajine že v daljni preteklosti. Danes<br />

les kot gradbena snov doživlja pravo renesanso, saj deluje<br />

zaradi lastne sposobnosti dihanja in absorbcije kot biološki<br />

filter zraka v prostoru, obenem je med vsemi gradbenimi<br />

materiali najbolj energijsko varčen, je dober izolacijski<br />

material – odbija sončne žarke in zadržuje toploto.<br />

Since time immemorial, by virtue of its availability and<br />

superior qualities, wood has been an important factor<br />

shaping the Slovenian cultural landscape. In recent years,<br />

the use of wood in residential building and construction has<br />

undergone a veritable renaissance. This is largely due to the<br />

material’s ability to breathe, which allows it to operate as<br />

an efficient air filter; at the same time, wood’s reflective and<br />

heat retention properties result in excellent insulation and<br />

give it an outstanding energy efficiency rating.<br />

Celje, Slovenia, Superform<br />

Miran Kambič<br />

Miran Kambič<br />

Podkoren, Slovenia, Gregorc Vrhovec arhitekti<br />

Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine

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