Join My Cult - Original Falcon Press

Join My Cult - Original Falcon Press

Join My Cult - Original Falcon Press


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He absently flicked the seek button. There was a drizzle of static, then<br />

a calm voice began speaking, “The essences and entities of our ancestors,<br />

the spiritual fossil fuels, have been either evaporated or obstructed by the<br />

machinations of mankind. Radio waves, cellular signals, and even global<br />

satellite positionings (as some form of invisible yet detectable, technologically<br />

concocted ley lines) have all but chased away the supernal<br />

magics of A.T.W.A. except in those places where poverty is so damaging<br />

to the populous and industry so scarce that the ancient spirits are allowed<br />

to congregate.” Essences of our ancestors? Spiritual fossil fuels? Alexi’s<br />

mind reeled for a second. At first blush this was nonsense, but something<br />

in it resonated with him. He thought of the shadow he had seen in his<br />

room, of the figures on the helix. Why were these beings trying to contact<br />

him?<br />

“We find the most potent emissions of natural magic emanating from<br />

those lands which retain some vestige of virginity: Haiti, Afrika, Tibet,<br />

the Amazon, Samoa, Easter Island, The Yukon, Siberia, and certainly the<br />

list continues. But these lands are at risk as the wrecking ball of capitalism<br />

swings against the infrastructure of direct communion with the fertile<br />

earth. It is not A.T.W.A. hirself who shall cast vengeance upon the likes<br />

of man and his tyrannies, but instead the ancestral monoliths whose<br />

anger has been awakened from digging too deep in the soil and diving<br />

too deep into the oceans: the Elder Gods, the Loa, the heterogeneous<br />

entities of Diasporic consciousness, the Djinn, and the countless and<br />

untranslatable spirits whose names mankind once recalled and whose<br />

eminence mankind once respected. It is unfortunate that these gorgons of<br />

ages past are growing intolerant of man. They cannot be appeased or placated<br />

with anything other than voluntary human sacrifice. They require<br />

the suffering of your children. They will have your blood as you have<br />

drained theirs without any reverence whatsoever…”<br />

Glancing over at Alexi with a smirk, Ken flicked the dial again. A<br />

deep, throaty voice burst from the car speakers, “God Warned Us This<br />

Day Would Come!” it proclaimed.<br />

“This should be fabulous,” Alexi said, turning up the volume dial.<br />

“The Bible predicted that an end-times Beast 666 Universal Human<br />

Control System would be used to control and enslave humanity: ‘That no<br />

man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the<br />

beast, or the number of his name’ (Revelation 13:17). Thus, we knew it<br />

was coming. Now, finally, it’s here, just as was prophesied!” The voice<br />

continued, building to a fever pitch, a crescendo of bible-thumping-good<br />


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