Join My Cult - Original Falcon Press

Join My Cult - Original Falcon Press

Join My Cult - Original Falcon Press


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He paused for a few minutes, allowing them to drift amid the mindscapes<br />

they were weaving.<br />

“And with the passage of time you’ll begin to notice how the blackness<br />

is ever changing, finding places that are lighter and darker than<br />

others, and looking down as you were floating up and right above it<br />

before, under your feet now, an endless plain stretches out in all directions<br />

towards the horizon, the deepest purple, walking as and where you<br />

will, so deep that you’ll have to look twice with your eyes within eyes to<br />

see it at all, featureless, except for a great door rising perpendicular to the<br />

plane before you, growing closer and larger with each step, with every<br />

breath, the infinite void of Narcea taking shape in your thoughts as the<br />

gates of your soul open up to the place your heart most desires to go,<br />

beyond you hear a voice beckoning, summoning you there.”<br />

Eyes closed, head nodding, Rob inhaled deeply as he listened to the<br />

stillness about the room. The muscles in their cheeks and around their<br />

lips relaxed. The group was in the perfect spot for this, chests rising and<br />

falling together as they breathed in unison, and he continued, “Now, as<br />

you take the first step through and feel the atmosphere, changing in ways<br />

you didn’t expect, because once inside, that plain that was is now rolling,<br />

sloping downwards as your feet follow a path that leads towards the<br />

grove of trees you can see in the distance, soft fronds of grass brushing<br />

against your soles lightly, the air fresh and moist, so delicious you yearn<br />

for the next breath, in, and gulping it down, on the far side of the circle<br />

awaits a symbol, a totem of the beast that acts as your guide, protecting<br />

and keeping you safe, your relationship to it a thing to explore, growing<br />

stronger each day, and when you arrive at the center a place that’s familiar<br />

appears, a stone bridge and the sounds of drumming, rattling, echoing<br />

everywhere though the darkness, illuminated only by the faint glow you<br />

can see with your eyes within eyes around the symbol that’s here.”<br />

While Rob spoke, Alexi felt himself slowing down as the room<br />

around him disappeared. In its place he felt the very intense, very immediate<br />

sensation of his body. Although his eyes were closed, he was seeing<br />

a light, bright and pulsing, inside his body, pulling him in. Vertigo overwhelmed<br />

him. The words of Rob’s voice spun around, carrying an irresistible<br />

power, pitch rising and falling like the distortions of light bending<br />

through his eyelashes first close, then far away. The vibration inside<br />

his body constant, insistent, he felt himself yielding and merging with it,<br />

and the images beginning to form in his mind brought unnatural clarity<br />


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