Join My Cult - Original Falcon Press

Join My Cult - Original Falcon Press

Join My Cult - Original Falcon Press


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nose still twitching at that impossible rate. Agent noticed that a monocle<br />

was dangling over one of his coal black, beady eyes. It adjusted it with a<br />

furry left paw, hemming and hawing, clearing it’s throat, (there was a<br />

report that sounded like a horribly bent, wet French horn), and otherwise<br />

making a great deal of the fact that he had forgotten his point. Yes, now I<br />

have it… And the yo-yo encrypts us more then a thousand spider’s webs<br />

I’m sinking into and yet all of you keep smiling Jell-O smiles and hot dog<br />

grins. Underneath there had better be the blackness of time and water<br />

stains that would make the Mississippi bow in shame or else you haven’t<br />

lived like I have. And I envy you.<br />

So it came to pass that the Agent and Jesus decided to travel to the<br />

apartment of this Aleonis de Gabrael. With an increasingly bitter wind<br />

hard upon their backs, they headed around the back of the club.<br />

As they rounded the bend and headed for the car, there came a rattling<br />

from a nearby dumpster. A form, hunched much like the building, stole<br />

along the shadows; he attempted to move stealthily, as a stray cat might,<br />

hunting for food in the refuse, except he made a great deal of noise, kicking<br />

soda cans and rustling papers bags under foot. A most ineffective<br />

thief in the night.<br />

He seemed absolutely unaware of the sound, continuing to sneak<br />

towards them, convinced he was the most skilled burglar to have ever set<br />

foot within Philadelphia. Although the shadows were deep and concealed<br />

most of his features, they could still make out a worn leather eye-patch<br />

on his left eye, fastened with a thin cord wrapped over the back of his<br />

oblong head. His clothes were shabby, yet they seemed to have been<br />

regal once, a navy or marine officers uniform perhaps, even a rattling<br />

sabre affixed to the crooked belt upon his waist. The Agent was growing<br />

anxious, thinking it quite possible they had accidentally wandered into<br />

one of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novels, and what a terrible time they’d<br />

have getting out of the predicament. “Avast!” the hunched form called,<br />

finally officially giving his presence away to the pair, standing transfixed<br />

in the half-light of the baleful moon, hanging directly overhead, their<br />

hands twitching nervously, eyes bugged out and pupils dilated to their<br />

fullest extent. The Agent’s heart sank—this was more likely to turn into<br />

a Moby Dick re-run.<br />

“Avast, I say,” he called again, a hand held out in greeting or warning,<br />

(they couldn’t tell which), stepping forward again. His footsteps sounded<br />


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