Join My Cult - Original Falcon Press

Join My Cult - Original Falcon Press

Join My Cult - Original Falcon Press


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hungry look, like a wolf that had gone far too many days without a good<br />

meal, and was now desperate enough to consider human flesh a suitable<br />

entree. The man paused in the middle of his monologue and asked Johny<br />

if he knew her.<br />

Of course, Johny realized that aliens only take redheads, because the<br />

aliens are actually Japanese. The Japanese like redheads. Wisely keeping<br />

his opinions to himself, he merely nodded. It was certain that, if she<br />

hadn’t been abducted yet, she was soon to be.<br />

The man in the wife beater leaned over. He had apparently been<br />

listening in on the conversation. “I used to date her,” he said, pulling his<br />

shades up for a moment to reveal bloodshot eyes. As if anyone in a ten<br />

mile radius hadn’t at least slept with her.<br />

Jesus, suddenly recognizing the bird woman, became livid and leapt<br />

from his seat beside his militant pot-head friends. Simultaneously, Wirywheelchair-man<br />

spun his chair around like a motorcycle driver, leaning<br />

into the screeching turn, following Jesus, who shot over to her table,<br />

ejaculating a long monologue which reeked of sarcasm even more than<br />

Frederick’s onions.<br />

“I want you. Not because I know who I am or who you are, or what it<br />

means when people say stuff, or why there are three pieces of bread in a<br />

club sandwich, or what animal bacon really comes from, or for what reason<br />

I feel the urge to strangle myself at least four times a day. But people<br />

tell me that I should want someone. So I guess they’re right. Or, even if I<br />

don’t guess they’re right, they’ll probably sneak into my head late at<br />

night and make me do their bidding anyway. I find myself, sweating<br />

feverishly, my eyes half open—they never seem to fully close—wondering<br />

about pigs. And if, under your skin and jewelry, there is a fresh club<br />

sand-which lurking, waiting. It makes me hungry, and so I start to think<br />

about Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. But anyway. I think about meat on a<br />

hook a lot too. Sort of hanging there, maybe still twitching a little bit.”<br />

He paused for a moment to nonchalantly stick one of his fingers into a<br />

nearby ketchup bottle, wiggled it around a moment, withdrew it with a<br />

slurping spurt of scarlet and licked his fingers clean. Everyone at the<br />

table watched him silently, incredulously.<br />

“Mmm… The pits of Abaddon.” He licked his lips. “Sex makes me<br />

feel better about myself. A club sandwich! God damn. I’m getting<br />

excited just thinking about three pieces of white—or even wheat—bread.<br />

Contained within those alluring and yes, mysterious, layers of white<br />

bread is fried pig flesh, a mystical revelation clothed in the obscuritanism<br />

of toast! All I really care about is the pig flesh. Sweating pig flesh.<br />


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