Join My Cult - Original Falcon Press

Join My Cult - Original Falcon Press

Join My Cult - Original Falcon Press


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around you? Why do you leap from stone to stone…and never look<br />

down? Like the beginning of Beethoven’s 5th it knocks, pounds. It<br />

berates. It screams. And still, you do not hear it!”<br />

Johny looked down at his scrawny legs. “Who are you?”<br />

The man continued undaunted. Johny assumed that his question had<br />

been rhetorical. “For the height to which you aspire is also the depth to<br />

which you sink; as the tendril branches of the Tree of Knowledge stretch<br />

up to the clouds, the roots too sink deeper and deeper into earth and<br />

sediment, sucking up hosts of answerless questions and filth from top to<br />

bottom. The timbre of each melancholy note resonates with the ache of<br />

your Hope, your tallest branches stretching further still to be above,<br />

while the weight of your mass drags you further into the mud. And, as<br />

your branches begin to reach those clouds, you are hurled into a<br />

convulsive terror, a loneliness without end, a delirious fever named<br />

Unattainable Hope, Infinite Possibility… In the innermost, most<br />

subterranean recesses of your Self, I can hear you screaming ‘how is it<br />

that no one can hear me, from up here? Why do they not understand?<br />

And now…now I do not even understand myself… I am the day after<br />

yesterday, and I refuse myself. I turn away from my unattainable future, I<br />

cringe from the memories of my past—they will not let me go on. And I<br />

grow more and more unbalanced as actuality pushes me on further<br />

without a choice. <strong>My</strong> longing for a companion is so unbearable that I soil<br />

it with the filth from my roots; my need for communion is so great that I<br />

cannot dare open my mouth; my hate for my friends is so great…because<br />

of my love…’<br />

“Must you turn yourself away—from yourself—and cast Hope to your<br />

opposite? Would you be any happier a ‘no’ rather than a ‘yes’? You still<br />

long for freedom, my friend, and that longing is your cage. You do not<br />

even realize what you are missing, or what it is that you are longing for,<br />

but something in you calls out to be aware. You have become parched in<br />

the desert of apathy, and thirst for the Bacchic springs forever out of your<br />

reach. And while your highest aspects thirst for freedom, so too your<br />

basest roots thrust outwards and strangle the hopes—”<br />

At this point a red-headed girl built like a sparrow wandered into the<br />

smoking area. She had that mild-mannered heroin-chic that was all the<br />

rage, the paradoxical combination of unnaturally red cheeks—carefully<br />

applied pigment to simulate the sex flush—contrasting skin that was<br />

almost slate gray-blue. Her eyes were glazed over, and yet the way they<br />

moved from side to side across the room, scanning every detail,<br />

suggested that if she wasn’t intelligent, she was at least cunning. It was a<br />


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