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Date: beginning of April 1990 Time: daytime<br />

About 2 weeks before the main encounter an 11-year old local boy named Spartak<br />

told his classmates about an unusual dream he had: An alien robot, had warned him<br />

about his arrival, asking him not to be afraid. The robot predicted that when he<br />

would be playing with 5 other boys on the school yard, he would come and talk with<br />

them. Soon after that a group of five boys were playing soccer on a field behind the<br />

school and after the game was over 2 boys ran to get some water and the other 3<br />

stretched out on the grass, looking towards a nearby vineyard. Suddenly they saw a<br />

UFO descend towards some wasteland near the vineyard. The globe-shaped<br />

twinkling object was made out of a shiny material and landed about 300 meters<br />

from the schoolyard. The UFO was no more than 5-6m in size (about 10-15 m in<br />

diameter according to estimation) and seemed to split up in two halves like a<br />

“tangerine”. Other witnesses later reported that the UFO a small protrusion on top<br />

that seemed to be a dome, which had an opened hatch. The UFO was encircled with<br />

yellow and red lights and had a row of 6 circular windows or portholes which<br />

emitted light, positioned on the rim around the center. After splitting open in front<br />

of the stunned witnesses, three or four humanoid robotic creatures about 3-3.5m in<br />

height exited the UFO and began to walk around the object, all in different areas.<br />

The humanoids figures were exactly the same in appearance and 2 or 3 of the<br />

figures periodically bended down to the ground apparently looking and collection<br />

soil samples. One of the alien figures began moving towards the schoolyard and the<br />

stunned witnesses. The robot easily crossed the wire fence around the vineyard<br />

which was about 1.5m in height, but couldn’t cross the taller fence surrounding the<br />

school. So the stunned witnesses watched as the “robot” transformed itself into a<br />

large blue globe of light less than one meter in diameter and then began to roll like a<br />

ball upwards along the fence and then down on the other side. Once it had reached<br />

the ground it transformed itself back into the robot figure, and continued walking<br />

towards the boys. At this point the two other boys returned and now all five boys<br />

were witnessing the event exactly as the robot had predicted on Spartak’s dream.<br />

The robot approached the boys, which were frozen with fear and unable to move.<br />

They described the robot’s skin as grayish metallic in color. There was a circular<br />

helmet that covered the robot’s head with 2 visors in front and 2 small vertical<br />

antennas on top. The robot had a light source of its forehead area and had what<br />

appeared to be a control panel with buttons on the upper part of his right leg and a<br />

smaller panel with just one large button on the same area of his left leg. The legs<br />

were encircled in something that resembled knee-leggings and ended in broad “feet”<br />

or horizontal elongated oval-shaped platforms, like props. The children couldn’t<br />

remember how many fingers the robot had but they thought it was 3 or 4 which<br />

were sharpened and thick. One of the frightened boys attempted to run but the<br />

robot struck him with a beam of light that knocked him to the ground. A red burn<br />

mark was left on the boy’s hand and was still visible in October that same year.<br />

Local doctors could not diagnose what kind of burn it was. Then a conversation<br />

between the boys and the robot ensued. The boys spoke out loud while the robot’s<br />

answers were displayed on the shiny screen on its chest area. The robot appeared<br />

awkward, heavy set without any human facial features, somewhat frightening in<br />

appearance. The boys had been so stunned about the whole encounter that they<br />


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