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on the walls. When some of the entities touched Zinaida she felt a piercing cold, not<br />

painful, but very cold. Besides the tall humanoids, Zinaida saw a small humanoid<br />

sitting on an armchair inside the cabin. This other creature had a small body, thin<br />

legs and arms, and a large round head. Its eyes were shiny “mother of pearl” color.<br />

It did not move while it sat on the armchair. The two very tall humanoid males had<br />

broad shoulders, long arms and legs, and slanted eyes. At the humanoids touched<br />

Zinaida on numerous occasions but then they began to tell her, “You should come<br />

with us”. They didn’t say anything else. Moments later one of the tall humanoids<br />

began to twirl Zinaida’s hair into a tight bun on her back. He then sat her on a tall<br />

armchair. At this point Zinaida suffered a blackout. Her next memory was of a tall<br />

alien man in the light gray coveralls taking her by her hand, like a child, and<br />

leading her outside of the sphere through the opened hatch. At this moment she saw<br />

“another world” before her: the sky there was slightly greenish. Later after<br />

analyzing her memoirs, obtained during the regression, Gavrilova concluded that<br />

she had visited an “artificial planet”, or an artificially created world encased in a<br />

huge glassy “sky dome”. Zinaida then saw a long street, on which the globe had<br />

landed. At the far end of the street she saw another sphere---of a much larger size<br />

than the sphere which had delivered her to this world.<br />

The houses that stood along the street were white, low and long. On top of the roofs<br />

and in between the houses the witness saw white rods, a very large number of rods,<br />

different in size, some very high others short. The rods which were between the<br />

houses were taller than the ones on top of the houses, most of the rods were straight<br />

but a few were curved or spirals, everywhere there was white wet sand. At first<br />

Zinaida thought that she was walking alone in the street, but to be more exact, not<br />

“walking” in the literal meaning of the world, but floating. But soon she realized<br />

that one of the tall male aliens was holding her hand, and he was the one that was<br />

walking. The alien man emanated an icy “wave”. He was dressed in gray slippery<br />

clothing. Like the tricot of the circus artists---tight fitting. She could not remember<br />

his nose and lips. But his eyes were large, with deep eye sockets. He had no eyebrows<br />

or eyelashes and his eyes were light “mother of pearl” color. No one else was in the<br />

street with them. The alien man slowly walked on the deserted street from one<br />

sphere to the other and took Zinaida into the second sphere. While walking he spoke<br />

telepathically to Zinaida asking her, “Would you like to say here You will feel<br />

good. You can live here”. But she didn’t agree and said, “I don’t want to live here. I<br />

have a family. I can’t leave my husband and son forever. Take me back to the<br />

stadium!” The alien man answered, “Ok, we will take you back. But you must stay<br />

for a short time in this city. Somebody you are familiar with wants to see you”.<br />

Zinaida then asked, “What is the name of this city” The humanoid answered,<br />

“Kuili” They didn’t speak anymore after this. Inside the other sphere Gavrilova saw<br />

several long tables. In between the tables there were armchairs. A very bright light<br />

emanated from everywhere in the object. The walls were smooth and bare. Several<br />

tall alien women in tight fitting light gray suits were moving around the room. The<br />

humanoid then carefully placed Zinaida on the floor. Zinaida then seemed to<br />

“freeze” in place unable to move, a sickening, nauseating feeling of complete<br />

paralysis seized her entire body. Then one of the alien females, without moving her<br />

lips, attempted to convince Zinaida to stay in the city of “Kuili” forever. “You will<br />


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