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172.<br />

Location. Ardennes region, Belgium<br />

Date: April 1990<br />

Time: evening<br />

The witness, Alain, working late in a local forest had finished work and was getting<br />

ready to leave when he noticed a large black triangle-shaped object hovering above<br />

a nearby clearing. The object was larger than a military aircraft and was totally<br />

silent. Suddenly the object began to descend towards the clearing and afraid Alain<br />

hid behind some trees, holding his ax close to his chest. As the object descended all<br />

the normal sounds of the forest seemed to cease, Alain could not hear birds, insects<br />

or anything living, and he seemed to be in a vacuum (Oz effect). Right before the<br />

object landed Alain saw what appeared to be some landing gear emerged from the<br />

bottom. Becoming even more concerned Alain hid concealed himself even further<br />

behind the trees. However he was still able to clearly see the craft now on the<br />

ground. As he watched a door or hatch became visible, a very strong light came out<br />

of the opening of the craft and he could see what appeared to be “equipment”<br />

inside. Alain suddenly noticed a black human-like silhouette at the entrance of the<br />

object, this figure then came down a ramp that had also emerged when the door had<br />

appeared, it was then followed by a second, a third and then a fourth similar figure,<br />

all in single file. They seemed to be searching for something as they began to look<br />

around everywhere; the alien’s eyes seemed to reflect the light from inside the<br />

object. Meanwhile Alain was beginning to panic as he clutched his ax, remembering<br />

stories he had heard before of persons being abducted by aliens. Alain was able to<br />

describe the figures as tall, but not overly so, wearing gray coveralls with low V-<br />

necks, they had with bare heads, with brown/gray hair. Their eyes were large and<br />

dark and their noses small, he could not distinguish the mouth. One of the aliens<br />

who seemed to be the leader appeared to communicate with the others but Alain did<br />

not hear anything. Afraid, Alain decided to leave and as he walked away through<br />

the brush he was surprised to see two of aliens close to him, one on his left and the<br />

other on his right that had apparently followed him. He raised his ax in a<br />

threatening move and kept moving; when he looked back the aliens had vanished.<br />

The next day he returned to the site and reportedly found some burned grass at the<br />

landing site.<br />


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