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to his home. The object landed and the witness was let out, he could hardly walk<br />

and was very tired, he turned around and the object had disappeared.<br />

HC addition # 120<br />

Source: Sergei Bulantsev, UFO Universe October/November 1991<br />

G<br />

Type:<br />

102.<br />

Location. Kashkadaryinskaya region, Uzbekistan<br />

Date: Spring 1990 Time: dawn<br />

Awakening just before dawn the witness a Mr. Aytmatov began jogging to meet a<br />

friend at a nearby house. However he never reached his friend’s house. A search<br />

party finally located him around 2300. He reported that while jogging along an<br />

asphalt road he suddenly was overcome by an unbearable light and saw a huge<br />

cylinder shaped craft of a clear red color. He suddenly was unable to move as the<br />

cylinder descended to the ground and broke up into two equal parts. A tall<br />

humanoid wearing a silvery suit emerged from the object; it had gray hair, with<br />

long arms. As it approached, the witness seemed to loose consciousness. Soon he<br />

found himself in a huge sparkling environment, sitting on a very comfortable<br />

armchair. He could see mountains shaped like stalagmites, and a sea and what<br />

appeared to be vegetation in the distance. He could not see anyone around him, and<br />

could hear a low soothing music, similar to violins. Soon he appeared to float to the<br />

road and saw the red cylinder shaped object suddenly rise up and disappeared at<br />

high speed. Soon local militia and citizens found the witness in a field under a heavy<br />

rain. Witnesses and family members were astonished to the fact that his clothing<br />

was totally dry. Other local residents reported seeing a very bright light that blinded<br />

them temporarily.<br />

HC addendum<br />

Source: UFORUM, Russia<br />

Type: G<br />

103.<br />

Location. Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine<br />

Date: Spring 1990 Time: early morning<br />

The female witness, Natalya Shishkina was awakened by a strong sound, resembling<br />

that of a helicopter or tractor hovering over the small wooded house where she was<br />

sleeping, while she lived temporarily in her grandmother’s property. The sound was<br />

more like that of farm equipment but more muffled. She looked out the window and<br />

saw a silver object, descending from the sky resembling a “big belly” barrel. The<br />

object gave off bright rainbow-colored lights. The barrel-shaped object landed<br />

softly on the ground. Then a clicking sound was heard, and the witness suddenly<br />

went into a semi-sleep, semi-awake state. Nearby a small woman suddenly appeared<br />

out of nowhere. The woman was shorter than of average height, and was dressed in<br />

a silvery tight-fitting suit. She had very long hair, light brown in color. The strange<br />


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