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Source: Mark Blashak, Don Lovett Mufon Journal # 272<br />

A<br />

Type:<br />

135.<br />

Location. Near Nerekhta, Kostroma region, Russia<br />

Date: March 8 1990 Time: night<br />

Doctor Filaret Korovkin heard the air steaming over his head as he walked along a<br />

field and looked up to see a flattened sphere light gray to violet metallic in<br />

appearance. No windows, hatchways or doors were evident. From below the object a<br />

semi-transparent tube descended to earth, through this pipe he was pulled into the<br />

object. Inside he found himself in a rounded room, with two doors and escalators<br />

going up. Inside it was impossibly much larger than what appeared to be from the<br />

outside. The walls were completely covered with different signal panels, screens and<br />

some instruments. The human appearing occupants told him, that in respect of time,<br />

in the terrestrial sense, it did not exist. Furthermore they did not use “fuel” to<br />

travel; they somehow had mastered gravity and used “null space” and “zerochannels”<br />

to travel. They predicted that in the course of time the inhabitants of<br />

earth would discover such methods of energy.<br />

HC addendum<br />

Source: NLO-7-1996<br />

Type: G<br />

136.<br />

Location. Chihuahua State, Mexico<br />

Date: March 14 1990 Time: 1930<br />

Hundreds of area residents heard a tremendous explosion in the sky that covered<br />

various regions of the State. After the explosion they saw at a very high altitude a<br />

large white cloud and numerous witnesses reported seeing at least 5-6 objects shot<br />

away from the very center where the explosion was heard. According to the<br />

witnesses the objects resembled stars which flew in a northwest direction finally<br />

disappearing into the distance. The extraordinary thing about this phenomenon was<br />

that it was observed from various different locations of the State at the same time.<br />

Two men, engineer Francisco Paredes and attorney Francisco Ostos observed while<br />

traveling on a local road a huge triangular shaped object which was moving on a<br />

horizontal position and was emitting a very bright light, with tinges of white, red<br />

and yellow. In order to obtain a very view of the craft they stopped the car and<br />

exited but at that same moment the object seemed to explode forming a huge<br />

gaseous cloud from the center of the cloud a bright point of light shot away at<br />

incredible speed disappearing towards the northwest in a manner of seconds. Later<br />

approximately 200 personnel including military and police searched in an area<br />

where the object could have impacted, but nothing is known if anything was indeed<br />

located.<br />

HC addendum<br />


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