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invisible wall with his fist my met strong resistance causing his fingers to hurt. He<br />

continued to float or fly within the invisible antigravity globe. He then saw rocks<br />

and the river below him and suddenly he fell to earth quite rigidly. He looked<br />

around and saw his pick axe lying among some rocks; he picked it up, stood up and<br />

was able to now move around freely. He looked up and saw a glow in the sky in the<br />

direction where the top-shaped craft had been. From the southern section of the sky<br />

a new object appeared which resembled an elongated dirigible that was quickly<br />

approaching. Apparently this new object was disc-shaped seen from its side with<br />

narrowing edges. From one side its contour appeared to be dissolved and had what<br />

appeared to be a gaping opening. The disc was silver in color but appeared to<br />

change colors as it moved. Its flight direction suddenly changed to a sharp angle<br />

without decreasing speed. The second object (original top-shaped craft) seemed to<br />

“tremble” ascend soundlessly for several meters and fly in a circle of about 40<br />

meters in diameter. It its circular movement the top-shaped craft was quickly<br />

gaining altitude. Alexander followed its movements closely as it flew over him. As<br />

Alexander watched the object holding his axe on his hand something like a bolt of<br />

lightning was directed towards the witness and hit his axe, flinging it from his<br />

hands, it fell among some nearby rocks. A wave of electricity shot through<br />

Alexander’s body. He did not loose consciousness but closed his eyes and tensed his<br />

muscles. He took a deep breath and managed to relax, once he opened his eyes both<br />

objects were gone. There was only silence and the sounds of the nearby stream. His<br />

axe was later found apparently cut in half by some type of laser weapon.<br />

HC addendum<br />

Source: Alexander Shamov in “M-Skiy Triangle” Riga 1990 # 6<br />

Alexander Kuzovkin, Nikolay Nepomnyaszhiy, Moscow 1990 and<br />

Nepomnyaszhiy “Wanderers of the Universe” Moscow 1996<br />

Type: G<br />

279.<br />

Location. Aquaba, Jordan<br />

Date: June 1990<br />

Time: night<br />

German tourist H Spoettle and his wife Barbara were staying in the outskirts of the<br />

city and on this terribly hot night Mr. Spoettle lay awake on his bed looking out the<br />

window unable to sleep. After awhile he became very uncomfortable and turned<br />

around only to see what he thought was his wife Barbara sitting on the edge of the<br />

bed, he immediately thought that she could not sleep either. But as he looked closely<br />

at the figure he suddenly realized that it was not his wife, as Barbara lay calmly<br />

sleeping next to him. He sat up and regarded the woman more closely. She had a<br />

certain similarity to Barbara, but she was definitely a foreigner. The stranger<br />

looked at the witness calmly into his eyes and began to slowly vanish in plain sight,<br />

becoming transparent until he could no longer see her. He told his wife about it and<br />

both attributed the visitation as Barbara’s deceased sister.<br />


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