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silvery suits as the woman. To the left of the control panel she noticed a curtain.<br />

Suddenly two alien females came out from behind the curtain. She already knew one<br />

of them. The second alien woman sat near the small table and the first walked<br />

towards Tatyana. Next the recollection of events by Tatyana is kind of foggy. She<br />

felt lethargic and somehow “hypnotized”. Only by using her strong will she<br />

managed to remain awake. Suddenly she found herself sitting on a long table with<br />

her knees pulled up to her chest. The now familiar alien woman stood nearby. On<br />

her belt there was a light that was shining brightly upon the witness. The alien<br />

woman then began communicating telepathically. She said, “Now I will check your<br />

health, examined your body, starting at the ankles.” She then shone the light on<br />

Tatyana’s legs, all the way down to her feet. Surprised Tatyana wondered out loud<br />

why the alien woman was checking her knees, since she found them normal and<br />

pointed at the two other human women and asked the alien woman why not study<br />

those since they were younger than her. The alien agreed, still moving the light over<br />

Tatyana’s body. While she performed this operation one of the alien men sitting at<br />

the control panel would periodically look at Tatyana and then back at the screen.<br />

The second man paid no attention, apparently busy at another task. At this moment<br />

Tatyana suddenly had the strong feeling that she was part of an “experiment” on<br />

humans by the aliens, which were looking for a healthy specimen. Tatyana became<br />

more convinced when she saw a diagram on a paper by one of the alien men, which<br />

show her name at the end of a list. Moments later the alien woman told Tatyana that<br />

her knees were normal but that her stomach was “in bad shape”. “Can it be cured”<br />

asked Tatyana. The telepathic answer was strange, “To cure it you will have to<br />

cover your eyes with the branches of a tree”. At this point Tatyana lost<br />

consciousness again. Later she awoke sitting on the brown soft seat again. The alien<br />

man that had been previously sitting at the control panel and staring at her at times<br />

was now standing near her and was handing her some narrow boxes made out of<br />

something resembling cardboard. Tatyana took the boxes and immediately felt<br />

“envy” emanating from the other two human women in the room. There were about<br />

6 or 7 boxes. Tatyana examined the boxes closely and kept only two with her, the<br />

shortest and the longest one. The rest she gave to the other two women, which<br />

became joyful and agitated. The alien man stood silently without interfering.<br />

Tatyana then opened the longest box and found some figures resembling chess<br />

pieces but not exactly. After opening the second box she found objects resembling<br />

domino pieces but again not quite the same. The alien man then told Tatyana<br />

telepathically, “That’s is our sugar fruit jelly, taste it”. Tatyana took two pieces out<br />

of the box, gave one to the woman standing closest to her and put the other one in<br />

her mouth. In seconds Tatyana felt a sharp pain in her stomach. The alien man<br />

apparently noticed it immediately and walked over to the control panel, pressing<br />

some buttons on it. A loud ringing sound was heard and Tatyana immediately lost<br />

consciousness. Tatyana later regained consciousness on her bed in her house. She<br />

does not remember how she got home. The pain in her stomach was now gone.<br />

HC addendum<br />

Source: Elena Potapova, Tula local press &<br />

Alexey K. Priyma “The XX Century, Chronicle of the Unexplained”<br />


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