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small antenna-like devices over their ears. She became very frightened and rushed<br />

to her mother. After hearing her daughter screaming Elena woke up and clasped<br />

her daughter tightly to her chest. The aliens approached them and one of the alien<br />

women then requested that they come with them. Terrified Elena screamed,<br />

refusing to go. The alien woman then said, if you don’t come then we will take you<br />

by force.” After that the witnesses blacked out. They vaguely remembered what<br />

happened next. They seemed to be moving around like robots obeying the alien<br />

commands. They found themselves in a round, not to high semi-dark room, where<br />

they sensed a slight vibration, like a train moving. The room began rocking to the<br />

left and right, terrifying all the witnesses. Elena held tightly to her daughters,<br />

beseeching God to help them. Next there appeared to have been a memory lapse and<br />

soon they found themselves standing in a forest meadow near some dense bushes.<br />

There was water nearby. They rushed to the water and began washing. Then a new<br />

memory lapsed ensued. They then appeared at a new glade, unlike the previous one,<br />

this one was very large. They soon noticed several groups of common looking<br />

terrestrial people standing in the field. Elena and her daughters stood within one of<br />

the groups. The aliens then led the group via a ladder to somewhere underground<br />

and requested that the humans wash themselves. There was an underground river,<br />

which the humans used to wash. An alien wearing a shiny coverall was distributing<br />

towels or rags. The witnesses had the distinct feeling that the aliens were controlling<br />

their every move. After that they ascended back to the glade and sat there for a long<br />

time, apparently waiting for something. Elena noticed another ladder on the glade<br />

with broad steps that led underground. Her daughter Galya suddenly appeared<br />

within a group of people that were standing afar (as if teleported). A stream of<br />

water suddenly appeared out of nowhere and began flowing below the group. Elena<br />

then rushed to help her daughter. She does not remember what occurred next. All<br />

four witnesses appeared back in their rooms in the morning, awaking at 0700A.<br />

HC addendum<br />

Source: Alexey K. Priyma, UFOs, Witnesses to the Unknown<br />

Moscow 1997<br />

Type: G<br />

Comments: Did all the other humans reported by the witnesses in the large field or<br />

glade remained there forever<br />

266.<br />

Location. Gauteng, Johannesburg, South Africa<br />

Date: summer 1990<br />

Time: late night<br />

The 6-year old witness suddenly woke up for no apparent reason, immediately he<br />

felt a very odd presence and decided to stick his head out from under the duvet.<br />

Terrified he felt his heart jumping and beating hard. As he looked around he saw a<br />

black figure in a long coat with a very large brimmed hat, its cloak was flowing as if<br />

wind was blowing against it but the windows were closed. The figure was standing<br />

at the edge of the left hand corner of the bed, seemingly staring at the witness, even<br />


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