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somewhere nearby” but the alien answered, “I live very far away from here” and<br />

pointed a webbed hand into the sky saturated with thousands of stars. The door<br />

again closed automatically and the strange car began to drive away, disappearing<br />

into the darkness. Only at this time did she notice that the strange “foreign car”<br />

didn’t have license plates and also lacked any bumpers.<br />

HC addendum<br />

Source: Alexey K. Priyma quoted in Dina Kuntseva in: “Mir Zazerkalya”<br />

(World beyond the Mirrors) # 25, 2000 Type: G<br />

527.<br />

Location. Madison, Wisconsin<br />

Date: December 30 1990 Time: 0500A<br />

The witness had just lain down for the night but had not yet fallen asleep. He<br />

suddenly became away of someone sitting on the bed near his left leg, a small form<br />

or being sitting in the near-darkness. He cannot see any details of who it may be.<br />

Then to the right and above the end of the bed another form materializes in the<br />

room doorway. Again it’s too dark to really see details but it looks as if this creature<br />

just popped out of thin air. It seemed covered in a dark cloak-like piece of clothing,<br />

perhaps hooded. Shocked, the witness attempted to call out his roommate but was<br />

unable to move or speak. He was not actually scared of the beings just somewhat<br />

alarmed that they were there. A voice in his head also told him, “Don’t be loud, it<br />

will wake up the neighbor’s”. Soon he apparently fell asleep and did not see the<br />

creatures depart.<br />

HC addendum<br />


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