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still sleeting out. He does not know why he wanted to go outside but he did. He<br />

remembers going downstairs and outside and looking up. Everything seemed very<br />

quiet and he didn’t see anything, he now felt fine. He then went back inside and<br />

arms the security system. He then goes upstairs and explains to his girlfriend that he<br />

now felt fine and that he was sorry for upsetting her. They then decided to go back<br />

to bed. They had just shut off the light and he had closed his eyes literally no more<br />

than 15 seconds when his girlfriend suddenly sat up in bed screaming, shaking her<br />

hands in front of her saying, “they are touching me!” “They are touching me!”<br />

Simultaneously the witness is falling out of bed saying “we are out of here!” at the<br />

same time turning on the light next to the bed. He ran to the living room in order to<br />

shut off the security system and ran back to the bedroom in time to see his<br />

girlfriend’s eyes roll white and slumping over to one side, he catches her before she<br />

falls from the bed. He propped her up and she is semi-conscious, she is crying<br />

hysterically still and making a motion with one hand’s fingers tapping the on her<br />

other wrist saying, “their white little hands are touching me,” she said that over and<br />

over again, she seemed to be in some kind of dazed state. He managed to help her<br />

downstairs and then help her walk up the lawn to the main house. When they got to<br />

the main house he punched in the security code and went inside. He walked his<br />

girlfriend into the living room and noticed that his cat was outside. This was very<br />

odd in that his mother always got him in at night, especially in the winter and in<br />

such a storm as was that evening He then notices something odd about the cat, the<br />

cat is standing on all fours with the top of his head pushed up against a pillar they<br />

have in their porch. He walks his girlfriend to the living room and tells her he has to<br />

get the cat. He sits her down and while sobbing she puts her right wrist up toward<br />

him and says, look at my wrist. He looked at her wrist and the best way he could<br />

describe what it looked like was as if someone had fought hard against a rope while<br />

being restrained by it, leaving a mark that was just about as wide as a watch band.<br />

It was all the way around her wrist. There was a strange red band around her entire<br />

wrist that had some blistering to it and it was more pronounced on the side of the<br />

wrist that was closer to the pinky finger rather than the thumb. This “scar”<br />

remained an entire week after the event and everyone saw it. During this entire<br />

exchange on the couch in the living room she continually made the motion with her<br />

fingers to her wrist with the scar on it like as one would tap one’s fingers in<br />

succession over and over again while she cried and said, “they” touched her with<br />

their white fingers. He got into the other room and the cat is strangely still propped<br />

up against the outside pillar, with the top of his head touching the pillar. The<br />

witness taps on the window and calls the cat’s name. But the cat would not budge, it<br />

was like he was frozen or something. He opened the door and called his name, but<br />

still the cat would not budge. The witness then went out on the porch and stood over<br />

the cat and it was like the cat was in some kind of trance or suspended animation.<br />

Only when he grabbed him and shook him did the cat come to and it was like he was<br />

totally confused as to where he was and he was very angry. He scratched the<br />

witness’s leg and bolted inside. He hid in some part of the house and the witness did<br />

not see him until the next day. The cat died six months after the experience. The<br />

witness then went back into the living room and his girlfriend was still crying and<br />

mumbling to herself. The witness then looked at the VCR and the time said 0430am.<br />


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