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Bible”. The article was interesting but she felt terrified, so she fell asleep. During<br />

her sleep she dreamt about the terrible article but suddenly she heard a familiar<br />

voice “Don’t be afraid of anything, don’t believe what some people write and say—<br />

we will come and save you!” “Who are we She asked, and in the next moment she<br />

saw an amazing image appear before her eyes. The image was that of a high lighted<br />

door like aperture, and then a tall humanoid figure stood at the frame. The<br />

humanoid was slender and was wearing silver tight-fitting clothing. He slowly<br />

turned his head and looked directly into the eyes of the witness; he then raised his<br />

right hand holding an object resembling a flower and then vanished.<br />

HC addendum<br />

Source: Stanislav Glushnyev in: “Mir Zazerkalya” (Worlds beyond the mirror)<br />

newspaper, Moscow # 2 January 2004<br />

Type: E<br />

Comments: From November 29 1989 until April 26 1990, the witness experienced 11<br />

unusual experiences.<br />

193.<br />

Location. Novogrudskiy region Belarus (USSR)<br />

Date: April 27 1990 Time: 2300<br />

At the same time that several luminous red and orange spheres were seen<br />

maneuvering over the area, locals reported seeing 3 tall humanoids wearing<br />

luminous sheaths and hoods walking on Molnich Street. No other information.<br />

HC addendum<br />

Source: “NLO” 1990 # 1<br />

Type: D<br />

194.<br />

Location. Samara, Russia<br />

Date: April 28 1990 Time: 0050A<br />

Mrs. Raisa Petrovna was awakened at night in her flat (apartment) in<br />

Zaporozhskaya Street by the loud barking of neighborhood dogs. Suddenly she was<br />

confronted by a strange figure in her apartment about 170 cm tall, dressed in a<br />

blinding skin-tight suit. The figure appeared to be female, standing with her back to<br />

the witness. The alien female wore a kind a helmet on her head that emanated light.<br />

When Raisa moved towards her the stranger suddenly turned around apparently<br />

noticing Raisa on the mirror and zoomed up flying outside the apartment through<br />

an opened window. When Raisa looked outside she noticed a bright light moving<br />

away from the area.<br />

HC addendum<br />

Source: Vladimir I Avinskiy “UFOs Sources of Truth”, Samara 1991 Type: E or<br />

C<br />


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